Action Javascript


Client-side actions available in Alpha Anywhere.

Action Javascript is a point-and-click wizard driven approach to building Javascript. By selecting from a list of predefined actions, and adding your own settings you can create sophisticated Javascript code without writing any code. The code created by Action Javascript can be further edited in the code editor.

Absolute Layout Container - Create PDF

Create a PDF file from the contents of an Absolute Layout container.


Display a menu styled as an iOS 'Action Sheet'.

Add Alternative Login to Current User

Add account credentials for an alternative login provider such as Google.

Advanced Export to Excel, Word, HTML, or Ascii using a Report Definition

Export data to Excel, Word, HTML or Ascii using a Report Definition

Ajax Callback

Define a user-defined ajax callback. The callback can be handled by an Xbasic function that is defined in the component, by a separate .a5w page, or by another page (.e.g., .php, .asp, etc.)

Ajax Callback - Cross Domain

Define a user-defined cross-domain ajax callback. A cross-domain Ajax callback is a callback to a web service in a domain that is different from the domain from which this component was originally loaded.

AlphaLaunch Actions

Actions that can be executed in an app that has been distributed using Alpha Launch.

Chart Control Actions

Perform some action on a Chart control (e.g. refresh the chart, export to PDF, etc.)

Circular Progress Indicator

Displays progress for an event using a circular progress bar.

City, State Lookup from Zip Code

For a given zip code, lookup the city and state on the USPS web site and fill in the city and state in the current record.

Clear a Search on a Grid Component that is Embedded into a UX component

Clears the search filter for an embedded Grid component that was filtered using the 'Search a Grid Component that is Embedded into a UX' action.

Client-side Data Cache Actions

Perform some action on an item in the Client-side Data Cache (e.g. read the data, refresh the data, etc.).

ControlBar Actions

Performs an action on a ControlBar, such as setting the active Layout or refreshing the ControlBar.

PhoneGap - File Download

Download one or more files and store the files in the filesystem on the mobile device. Uses the Cordova FileTransfer feature.

PhoneGap - File System Actions

Performs actions with the mobile device file system such as creating, reading, deleting file, creating directories, etc.(Only applies to UX components running in a Cordova shell.)

PhoneGap - File System Actions (File URI Based)

Performs actions with the mobile device file system such as creating, reading, deleting file, creating directories, deleting directories, etc. (Only applies to UX components running in a Cordova shell.)

PhoneGap - File Upload

Upload one or more files to either the Alpha Anywhere server or to the Amazon S3 using the PhoneGap File Transfer feature. (Only applies to UX components running in a Cordova shell.)

PhoneGap - Manifest... (multiple actions)

Download multiple files to a device and other related actions.

PhoneGap - Notifications

Display or initiate a native notification (for example, beep, native alert/prompt/confirmation, vibrate, etc.)

PhoneGap - Open File with Native Application

This action allows you to open a file on a mobile device using the associated native application.

PhoneGap - Scan Barcode

Barcode scanning can be added to any Cordova app using the PhoneGap - Scan Barcode action javascript.

PhoneGap - Send SMS message

Send a SMS message.

PhoneGap - SQLite Actions

The UX component has extensive support for working with SQLite databases in a Cordova application.

PhoneGap - TouchID/FaceID

Adds TouchID/FaceID functionality to a mobile app built using Cordova.

DataSeries Actions... (multiple actions)

Perform actions on a DataSeries, including refreshing a data series or reading a data series.

Delete Alternative Login for Current User

Delete account credentials for the current user in application configured to use an alternative login provider such as Google.

Delete Record

Deletes a record from the Primary Table in a Data Bound UX component.

Dial Telephone Open SMS client

Dial a telephone number or open the SMS client application to send a SMS message.

Display a 'Wait...' message

Display a 'wait...' message when an javascript event happens. The message can include customized text, different display times, as well as custom animations and images.

Editor Actions

Perform some action on an Editor in an Editor set.

Enable or Disable a Button

Set a button's state to either enabled, or disabled.

Export to Excel or Ascii or Custom Format

Export data to Excel or Ascii or Custom Format. The Custom format option allows you to define an Xbasic function that creates the file.

Fade Out Message

The Fade Out Message action displays a message on the screen for a short period of time. The message fades away after a specified duration.

File Download

Download a file from the server to the user's machine.

File Upload

Upload a file to the server and store the file name or file contents in a field in a Grid, UX, or database table.

File Upload - Amazon S3 Storage or Alpha Anywhere Server

Upload one or more files to Amazon S3 or to the Alpha Anywhere server.

File Upload - User Defined

Upload one or more files to the server. A server-side event then gets called to allow you to process the uploaded files.

Filter Records in a List Control

Search and/or sort records in a List Control based on a SQL or DBF data source.

Form View Control Actions

Perform some action on a Form View control.

Geocode an address

Makes an Ajax callback to a web service to geocode an address. Fill in the latitude and longitude fields in the current record with the information.

Geolocation Functions

Get geolocation information from the browser and store information in the current Grid/UX component object (e.g. if you are in a Grid, the data is stored in the {grid.object}.geoLocation object). (Requires an HTML5 browser). This action can be used to track the user's location over time.

Get Primary Key values for Records in Query

Execute a query and then retrieve the primary key values for the parent table of a Data Bound UX component. (IMPORTANT: This action is intended for an event on a UX component).

Get Server-side Data

The purpose of the action is to get server-side data and return the data to the client where you can then further process the data with Javascript code. For example, you might use the data returned to populate a List control, a dropdown box, a SpinList etc.

Global Search and Replace

Search and replace values in a field in all currently visible rows in the Grid.

Global Update

Set the value in a field in all currently visible rows in the Grid.

Google Map Method (UX Component)

Call a method to perform some action on a Google Map. Actions that you can perform include removing markers, toggling display of an info box, adding a marker, centering the map on an address, plotting directions, and more.

Hide a 'Wait...' message

Hides a popup "wait" message that was displayed on the client.

Hide/Close a window

Close a pop-up Window.

Hide/Close Container Window

Hide (i.e. closes) a Container Window.

Hide/Close PanelOverlay Window

Hides (i.e. closes) a PanelOverlay window. You can optionally animate the window as hidden.

Image Capture for List-Detail View - Camera/Photo Library

This action is used exclusively for image fields in a List Detail View. Capture an image using the camera, or from the photo library. On devices that don't support a camera, select an image from the filesystem.

Image Capture - Camera/Photo Library

Capture an image using the camera, or from the photo library. On devices that don't support a camera, select an image from the filesystem. Action calls a function with the Image URI when the image has been obtained.

Image Delete

Delete an image from an image field.

Image Upload

Upload an image to Amazon S3, Wasabi Storage, or the Application Server.

Import Data from Excel or Ascii file

Upload an Excel or Ascii file and import data into the current Grid or an external table.

Import Data into a List Control from Excel or Ascii file

Import data from an Excel or ASCII file into a List Control based on a SQL Database.


Allows developer to enter javascript code. Unlike most other actions there are no properties to check for the Inline-Javascript action, just the code you want to fire.

Link a Grid that has been embedded into a UX component

Unlike the 'Search a Grid Component that is Embedded into a UX' action which applies a filter to an embedded Grid, this action Links the embedded Grid.

List Control Actions

Perform an action (refresh, search, sort, add group breaks, navigate, change layouts, show/hide parts, move rows, populate data, save or delete records, export data, and more) on a List or List detail view in a UX component.

Lock/unlock a container, DIV or entire page (by showing an overlay over it)

Lock a container, DIV or entire page by showing an overlay over it so that the user can't click on the controls under the overlay, or unlock the element.

Login with Alternative Login Provider

Action logs in the user using account credentials from an alternative login provider such as Google.

Lookup and Fill-in Fields

Lookup values in a table and fill-in fields in the current row from fields in the Lookup Table.


Display a dropdown menu.

Merge data into client-side template

Merge Javascript into a client-side template and set the inner HTML to the result.

Message box

Displays a Javascript alert box on the screen.

Message box - DropDown Style

Displays a message using a Dropdown Message box.

Message Box - Transient

Display a temporary message that can be dismissed using a button or automatically after a period of time.

New Record

Displays a new record.

Open a AppLauncher component

Open a AppLauncher component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page.

Open a Calendar component

Open a Calendar component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page.

Open a Custom component

Open a Custom component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page.

Open a Google Map component

Open a Google Map component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page.

Open a Grid component

Opens a grid component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page. This requires first defining a grid component.

Open a Help Window

Open a window to display a help topic from the Help Table.

Open a ImageGallery component

Open a ImageGallery component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page.

Open a Page Layout component

Open a Page Layout component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page.

Open a Pop-up Ajax Window/Overlay

Open a generic, pop-up window (often called an overlay). The window can be modal, or modeless, and can be populated by making an Ajax callback.

Open a Report, Label or Letter layout

Displays a report, label or letter layout as a PDF file using the Acrobat PDF reader. The report is displayed in either a pop-up window or in a DIV on the current page.

Open a UX as an alternate editing view for current record

Open a UX component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page, to edit the record currently being edited in the Grid or UX component.

Open a UX component

Opens an UX component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page. (Only new Ajax components can be opened. Old dialogs built in V10 and earlier are not supported.

Open a UX component to Edit Current Record in Grid, or add a new Record

Open an UX component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page, to edit the current row in a Grid component or to enter a new record. (Only new Ajax Components can be opened. Old Dialogs in V10 and earlier are not supported.)

Open a UX component to Edit Current Record in List Control in a UX, or add a new Record to a List Control in a UX

Open a UX component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page, to edit the current page, to edit the current row in a List control in a UX component or to enter a new record into a List. (Applies only to Lists based on SQL or DBF data sources).

Open a Video Player component

Open a Video Player component in a pop-up window, or in a DIV on the current page.

Open an .a5w page, static HTML page, URL, or PDF document, in a pop-up window or a DIV

Open a document (including .a5w pages, static .html pages, any other web page, e.g., or PDF document) in a modal, or modeless pop-up window, or in a DIV on the page.

Panel Actions

Perform some action on a Panel (e.g. setting focus to the next or previous Panel, or to a particular named panel).


Get the HTML inside a container and convert to PDF.

Populate Controls in a UX Component with data from Tables

Populate the controls in a UX component with the data from Tables. (IMPORTANT: This action is intended for an event on a UX component).

Populate controls in an UNBOUND UX component with data from a table

Populates controls in a UX component with data from a table. Use this action (rather than the 'Populate Controls in a UX Component with data from Tables' action) if the UX component has not been bound to a database (see the 'Data Binding' pane in the builder).

Refresh/synchronize embedded UX component

Updates the argument values in the child UX component and refreshes the data shown in List controls and other controls that are based on data Series. Also causes the embedded UX component's 'onSynchronizeDialog' (client-side) and 'onSynchronize' (server-side) events to fire.

Run a report that is embedded in a UX component using a custom filter for the report

Create a highly customized 'Search Part' for a Report. Allows you to submit a UX component that contains 'search' fields to compute a filter expression and then run the report using the computed filter expression.

Run Action

The Run Action runs an action that was defined using Javascript.

Search a Grid Component that is Embedded into a UX component

Create a highly customized 'Search Part' for a Grid. Allows you to submit a UX component that contains 'search' fields to compute a filter expression and then filter a Grid component that has been embedded into the UX component.

Send email

This javascript action sends an email.

Set Page Content

Set the content in one or more page elements (i.e. 'divs', 'spans', form fields, etc.) to values obtained from fields in a Lookup Table.

Show Container Window

Show the contents of a Container Window in a pop-up Window or Panel.

Show PanelOverlay Window

Show a PanelOverlay window. You can optionally animate the window as it is shown.

Stripe - Process Stripe Payment

Process payment using Stripe.

Toggle display of a container or DIV with animation

Adds toggle animation to a DIV or container. When the action is run the dive or container will be shown or hidden using a specified animation such as 'slide' or 'puff'. Different animations can be specified for the show and hide events. Different animation times can also be set in this actions properties list.

Update, Insert or Delete data. (for use with an UNBOUND component)

Updates, inserts or deletes a record in a table using data submitted from a control on a UX component. The UX component need not have been 'Data Bound' in order to use this action. Contrast this action with the 'Save Submitted Data to Table(s)' action in Server-side action scripting which is used for saving data to tables in a UX component that has been 'Data Bound'.

Video Player Control Actions

Perform some type of action on a video player control.

ViewBox Control Actions

Perform some action on a ViewBox control (e.g. refresh the ViewBox, etc.)

Web-sockets Server Actions

Performs an action on the web-socket server, such as 'Send a message to the web-sockets server'. The message will be received by all UX and Grid components that are listening for web-socket messages and the 'webSocketOnMessage client-side event in all listening components will fire.

Zip Code Lookup from Address

For a given address, lookup the Zip code on the USPS web site and fill in the current record.