INET::SSLSocket::Query_TCP Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Query_TCP Method.xml
Returns .T. (TRUE) if the TCP connection described by the arguments matches an active connection.
INET::Socket::Query_TCP Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/Socket/Query_TCP Method.xml
The INET::Socket::Query_TCP() method returns .T. if the TCP connection described by the arguments matches an active connection.
INET::SSLSocket::Connect Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Connect Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::Connect() method opens a connection to the requested host and port. Note: ConnectTimeout is in milliseconds.
INET::SSLSocket Peek Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Peek Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::Peek() method reads characters into a string. Peek does not remove the characters from the receive buffer.
INET::SSLSocket::Reconnect Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Reconnect Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::Reconnect() method reestablishes the connection with an SSL partner (session settings may have changed).
INET::SSLSocket Class
Properties and methods in the SSLSocket class.
INET::SSLSocket WriteBinary Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/WriteBinary Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::WriteBinary() method writes binary data to the connection.
INET::SSLSocket::Read Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Read Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::Read() method reads characters from the connection into a string.
INET::SSLSocket StartSSLSession Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/StartSSLSession Method.xml
The INET::Socket OpenSocket method begins an SSL session with a socket that is already opened. If successful the socket remains secure until closed. If unsuccessful both sockets will be closed. After this call you should no long reference OpenSocket.
INET::SSLSocket GetOptions Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/GetOptions Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::GetOptions() method reads the status of one or more option values.