Date/Time Picker Properties


A date picker is a variation on a TextBox control. The date picker option appears in a TextBox control if the grid is updatable.

User grids and the server hosting the Application Server can use different date formats like yy-mm-dd or yy/mm/dd, as opposed to the US date format mm/dd/yy. In the Grid Component Builder set Grid Properties > Advanced > Date format on client does not match server to TRUE and enter the client date format in the following field. You may use different separators between the YY, MM, and DD parts of the date format. This property informs the Application Server that it needs to translate dates entered through this grid component.


Date Picker

Show a 'DatePicker' icon which can be clicked to open a calendar. Users can click in the calendar to enter date values.

Open how

Specify how the date picker will be opened. Can either be when user clicks the icon, or when user clicks in the field. Choices include ClickIcon, Focus.

Date format

Specify the date format in which dates will be returned when the user makes a selection from the Date Picker. If you specify <Default>, the format is controlled by the 'Date format' property in the 'Miscellaneous' section on the Grid Properties tab page. The <Default> setting allows you to easily configure the Grid to use US formats for users in the U.S.A and 'day/month/year' formats for users outside the US.

Pre-defined date range selector

Display a drop-down selector showing pre-defined date ranges (e.g. This Week, This Month, This Year, etc.)

Pre-defined date range selector settings

Pre-defined date range selector settings property.

Date picker Icon

Enter a number between 1 and 6 to select the built-in date picker icon to display.

Switch year

Specify how the date picker will interpret 2 digit years. IMPORTANT: If you want to define how the server will interpret 2 digit years, you must set the Switch year in the Grid Properties, Miscellaneous section.

Use combo boxes

Use combo boxes property.

User must select from Date/Time picker

Specify if the user can type in a date/time value, or must select the value from the Date/Time picker. If this option is checked, then the Date/Time picker is automatically set to open when the control gets focus.

Low date

Specify the lowest date value that the Date/Time picker will show. You can compute this value dynamically using a Javascript function that gets called when the Date/Time picker is opened.

High date

Specify the highest date value that the Date/Time picker will show. You can compute this value dynamically using a Javascript function that gets called when the Date/Time picker is opened.

Disabled days

Specify disabled days in the calendar. Enter a comma delimited list. e.g. 0,6 to disable dates on Sunday and Saturday. 0=Sunday, 1=Monday and so on. You can also enter: function:yourFunctionName if you want to define a Javascript function to dynamically return a comma delimited list of disabled days.

Show days of week

Specify if the days of the weeks should be shown as column titles on the Date/Time picker.

Show weeks of year

Specify if the week of the year for each week shown on the calendar should be shown. The week of the year is displayed in the first column on the calendar.

Show 'Today' button

Specify if the 'Today' button should be shown

OK button label

When the Date/Time picker displays a time portion, the window has OK and Cancel buttons. Specify the label of the OK button. You can use language tags - <a5:r> and </a5:r>.

Cancel button label

When the Date/Time picker displays a time portion, the window has OK and Cancel buttons. Specify the label of the Cancel button. You can use language tags - <a5:r> and </a5:r>

Lock column widths

Specify if all columns widths should be the same, or can be different. Only meaningfull when day names are of different lengths.

Has events

Specify if you want to define event handlers for the various events raised by the Date Picker.