Extension::Json Class


Parse and construct JSON. Can be used to work with JSON content that cannot be easily deserialized to Xbasic.


ArrayChunked Method

Returns multiple json strings separated by a supplied 'separator' string. maximumRows if > 0 is the maximum number or rows before we chunk it, maximumBytes if > 0 is the maximum number of bytes of data before we chunk it.

ArrayRange Method

Zero based Extract an array 'range' (i.e. startOffset=0,count=10 returns JSON array with the first 10 entries).

ArraySize Method

Count the number of rows in a json array (returns -1 if the supplied JSON is not an array).

ExtractMapped Method

Extract mapped json (create the flat json with the element).

FileJSONAppend Method

Update (or delete) first JSON that matches passed in pattern, locks on the file for the process.

FileJSONGet Method

Return a matching record (blank if none was found).

FileJSONUpdate Method

Update (or delete) first JSON that matches passed in pattern, locks on the file for the process.

FileJSONUpsert Method

Update (or append) first JSON that matches passed in pattern, locks on the file for the process.

FileToResultSet Method

Create a result set from json file and optional table info (schema).

FileToResultSetEx Method

Create a result set from json file and optional table info (schema).

ForEachString Method

For each string in json, evaluate the expression to 'replace' the string.

FormatMapped Method

Format mapped json (create the structured json).

FromYaml Method

Create JSON from YAML.

getIndexed Method

Get indexed item from a JSON object - returns NIL if undefined.

getJson Method

Get current JSON for object.

getLength Method

Get Length of array / count of elements at level.

getProperty Method

Get property from a JSON object - returns NIL if undefined.

getPropertyString Method

Get property from a JSON object - returns as string.

hasProperty Method

Returns true if a property exist.

isArray Method

JSON object is an array.

isObject Method

JSON object is an object.

JavascriptToJson Method

Turns embedded javascript snippets into string prefixed with {javascript}.

JsonAddFields Method

Adds fields from a template that matches the 'shape' of the input json.

JSONAppend Method

Update (or delete) first JSON that matches passed in pattern.

JsonForceObjectArray Method

Arrays of type other than object are wrapped in an object.

JsonFromCSV Method

Convert CSV data to a JSON array - the first row of the CSV must be contain the field names.

JSONGet Method

Return a matching record (blank if none was found).

JsonObjectFlatten Method

Flatten subobjects into parent JSON objects - recurses arrays.

JsonObjFlattenAndForceObjArray Method

Handles both flattening of objects and wrapping of non object array entries at the same time.

JsonShred Method

Takes a complex JSON structure with nested arrays and turns it into a flat list of arrays with no nested arrays. The way in which the JSON should be 'shredded' is described by a template (which can contain definitions for 'key' fields to be added to the child arrays in the result).

JsonToCSV Method

Convert JSON data to a CSV array, optional comma delimited 'columns' are used if supplied to select columns.

JSONUpdate Method

Update (or delete) first JSON that matches passed in pattern.

JSONUpsert Method

Update (or append) first JSON that matches passed in pattern.

JWTSign Method

Sign a javascript web token.

JWTVerify Method

Verifies a javascript web token.

nameIndexed Method

Return the associated name (blank if none).

OffsetToPath Method

Convert the location in a json string to a 'path'. The 'base' argument indicates array/position start - Xbasic should be 1, javascript should be 0.

PathExtract Method

Return the json from the path. The 'base' argument indicates array/position start - Xbasic should be 1, javascript should be 0.

PathToOffset Method

Get the offset in the json (1 based) - for the 'path'. The 'base' argument indicates array/position start - Xbasic should be 1, javascript should be 0.

push Method

Push value into an 'array'.

setCaseSensitive Method

Set case sensitive mode.

setIndexed Method

Set indexed data to array index.

setJson Method

Populate object from json.

setProperty Method

Get property from a JSON object.

TemplateReplace Method

Replace template values embedded in JSON values.

ToResultSet Method

Create a result set from json and optional table info (schema).

ToResultSetEx Method

Create a result set from json and optional table info (schema).

ToYaml Method

Create YAML for JSON. YAML is a markup that uses indentation to convey structure, and makes use of ':' as a separator character to denote named items.

See Also