Cannot Connect to Database

If drivers are missing or are not properly configured, a connection to a database can fail.

Function Sequence Error

The "Function sequence error" may occur when you execute a SQL statement in the wrong context, such as when a SQL result set has not been completely read by the client.

Microsoft Access Can't Load ODBCJI32.dll Error

When accessing a Microsoft Access database, Alpha Anywhere may display an error message, "Can't Load ODBCJI32.dll Error". To fix this error, install or repair the Microsoft Access Database Engine.

Resolving "The operating system is presently not configured to run this application"

Connecting to an Microsoft Access database may result in an error. This error can be resolved by re-installing the Access drivers.

Mismatched SQL Server Driver Warning

If the installed SQL Server drivers on a machine are not the preferred drivers for the SQL Server version specified in a connection string, Alpha Anywhere will issue a warning.

SQL Server - Function request not Supported

The "Function request not supported" error is a SQL Server error that occurs when the SQL Server drivers are missing or the wrong SQL Server drivers are installed on the system.