StringScanner Methods

The StringScanner object provides high performance string manipulation functions. The StringScanner functions operate at the location of the current offset in the text buffer. The initial position is 1. All functions (except those with optional negative numeric arguments) work from the current offset position towards the end of the buffer.

The StringScanner.ScanXXX() functions position the offset immediately after any found text. The StringScanner.SkipXXX() functions position the offset at the beginning of any found text.

Xbasic Help Pages
/documentation/pages/Index/Xbasic Help Pages.xml
[The Xbasic Programming Environment]
StringScanner.GetRemainder Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Utility/StringScanner/Get/StringScanner.GetRemainder Method.xml
Return from current position to end of string.
StringScanner.GetToOffset Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Utility/StringScanner/Get/StringScanner.GetToOffset Method.xml
Return text up to current offset.
Utility Objects
Utility objects - ImageName object, ImageResource object, ImageViewer object, and StringScanner object.
StringScanner.GetLineNumber Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Utility/StringScanner/Get/StringScanner.GetLineNumber Method.xml
Determine which line we are one.
StringScanner.GetLineText Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Utility/StringScanner/Get/StringScanner.GetLineText Method.xml
Return the text of the line we are on, if optional requested line is set, we go to the begginning of the specified line first.
StringScanner.Create Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Utility/StringScanner/StringScanner.Create Method.xml
Create a new string scanner object.
StringScanner.Reset Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Utility/StringScanner/StringScanner.Reset Method.xml
Set the scanner back to the beggining.
StringScanner.Delete Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Utility/StringScanner/StringScanner.Delete Method.xml
Delete bytes from string at location.