Populate Controls in a UX Component with data from Tables


Populate the controls in a UX component with the data from Tables. (IMPORTANT: This action is intended for an event on a UX component).

Used with the UX component.

Populate UX Controls Properties

Method for specifying primary key

Method for specifying primary key property. Choices include SpecifyNow, Read from Dialog Controls, Javascript function.

Primary key

Specify the primary key value of the record you want to use to populate the Dialog controls. If the primary key has multiple columns, enter the key value with 3 pipe characters (|||) separating the value for each column. For example, if the primary key is Firstname and Lastname, you could enter John|||Smith.

Controls to read primary key from

Specify the control(s) on the Dialog that contain the primary key value for the record you want to retrieve

Javascript function

Specify the name of the Javascript function that will return the value of the primary key of the record you want to retrieve. If the primary key is multi-column, return a ||| (three pipes) delimited value.

Display debugging info

Do you want to display debugging info? Shows the server side commands to retreive the specified record and the Javascript response sent to the browser.

Debugging information placeholder

Specify where debugging information should be shown. If you are working in an application that uses Panels, you will typically put a placeholder in the Panel to show debugging information in the appropriate panel. Set to <Default> for the default placement of debugging information.

Error message placeholder

Specify where errors should be shown. If you are working in an application that uses Panels, you will typically put a placeholder in the Panel to show errors in the appropriate panel. Set to <Default> for the default placement of error information.

After callback complete Javascript

(Optional) Specify the name of a Javascript function to call when the Ajax callback completes.

Show wait message

Should a 'wait message' be shown while the callback to the server is executing?

Wait message position

Specify where the wait message should be shown. 'page' puts the wait message over the entire screen. You can specify a specific Panel if you prefer. If you specify a specific Panel, be sure that the Panel is currently in view.

Wait message text

(Optional) Specify the text message for the wait message. If you leave this blank a 'spinning icon' with no message is shown.


Creating a Button to Make a Callback to the Server and Populate the UX Component with Data for a Specified Record

After a UX Component has been opened, you might want to have a button that does an Ajax callback to populate the UX Component with data for a specific record. This video shows how you can use Action Javascript to define the code for the button that will populate the UX Component. The primary key of the record you want to retrieve is read from a control on the UX Component.

See Also