Frame Control Methods
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/Layout/Control Functions/Frame Control Methods.xml
The Frame Control has the following methods. The frame control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
List Box Control Methods
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/List Box/List Box Control Methods.xml
The List Box Control has the following methods. The list box control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
Check box Control Methods
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Reference/Design/View/Xdialog/Check box Control Methods.xml
The Check box Control has the following methods. The check box control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
Image Control Methods
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/Layout/Control Functions/Image Control Methods.xml
The Image Control has the following methods. The image control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
Radio Button Control Methods
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/Radio Button/Radio Button Control Methods.xml
The Radio Button Control has the following methods. The radio button control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
{grid.object}.closeContainerWindow Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/Grid/closeContainerWindow Method.xml
If the Grid is opened inside a pop-up Javascript window, closes the window in which the Grid is contained. Need to pass in a pointer to any element on the Grid.
{grid.object}.closeParentContainer Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/Grid/closeParentContainer Method.xml
If a Grid is displayed in a pop-up Ajax window, or a Tabbed UI pane, closes the parent window or Tabbed UI pane.
{grid.object}.activateControlContainer Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/Grid/activateControlContainer Method.xml
If a control is inside a Tab or Accordion container, this activates the pane in which the control in contained. Only applies to input controls.
{dialog.object}.showContainerWindow Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/UX/UX methods/Windows Containers Messages/showContainerWindow Method.xml
Shows a window defined by a 'container' control whose sub-type is 'window'. The controls in the 'window' container are the contents of the window.
{dialog.object}.activateControlContainer Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/UX/UX methods/Controls/activateControlContainer Method.xml
If a control is inside a Tab or Accordion container, activates the pane in which the control in contained. This method will also activate the PanelCard in which the control has been placed.