/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/System/OLE/OLE.class=NAMES Method.xml
For internal use only.
Class names Properties
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/TabbedUI/Tabbed UI Properties/Classnames/index.xml
Class names Properties
Resolve abstract CSS class names
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Properties/UX_Properties/Resolve abstract CSS class names.xml
Replace abstract CSS class names with physical CSS class names. This should only be un-checked if you are in development mode and you want to determine what abstract CSS class name is for a particular element in the component.
Resolve abstract CSS class names
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Properties/Layout Options/Resolve abstract CSS class names.xml
Can view class names using the browser to see real physical class names.
Getting and Setting Styles and Class Names
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/Core Libraries/Style and Class Functions/index.xml
The JavaScript functions below provide an easy way to get and set the in-line style, can class of HTML elements. The passed in argument of "ELEMENT" can be a pointer to an HTML element, or the ID or NAME of an HTML element. The functions will automatically fetch the element if you pass in an ID or NAME.
Object Names
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/Layout/Object/Object Names.xml
An object name must be alphanumeric, can contain ?_', must start with a letter, and must be unique in its container. For example, if a form has two buttons, the buttons must have different names. But if you have two different forms, the buttons on each form can have the same name. Alpha Anywhere will automatically fix object names that break these rules. For example if you open two copies of the Customer form, the objects will be named Customer and CustomerN (where N is an additional character that makes the name unique, e.g. Customer1).
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/System/OLE/OLE.class=METHODS Method.xml
For internal use only.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/System/OLE/OLE.class=REFERENCEDENUMERATIONS Method.xml
For internal use only.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/System/OLE/OLE.class=REFERENCEDINTERFACES Method.xml
For internal use only.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/System/OLE/OLE.class=EVENTS Method.xml
For internal use only.