
A5chart Namespace



The namespace for chart generation methods.

Description Namespace

The namespace for chart data methods.

A5.chart.Definition Axis Object

Definition of an axis of a chart.

A5.chart.Definition Fill Object

The definition of a chart fill.

A5.chart.Definition Label Object

The definition of a label element.

A5.chart.Definition Layer Object

Definition of a layer.

A5.chart.Definition Line Object

The definition of a chart line.

A5.chart.Definition Location Object

The definition of a chart location.

A5.chart.Definition Map Object

Definition of a data map to convert raw data into a format useable by the charting logic.

A5.chart.guides Namespace

The namespace for chart guides.

A5.chart.Mapped Data Object

The mapping of raw data into a format useable by the charting logic.

A5.chart.palettes Namespace

The namespace for chart palettes.

A5.chart.Render Data Object

The data for the currently rendering context.

A5.chart.u Namespace

The namespace for chart utility methods. These are primarily used by the guides when drawing the chart.


generate Method

Generate a chart.