Creating a Script to Print a Report for a Selected Record
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Tutorial/Design/View/Database/Creating a Script to Print a Report for a Selected Record.xml
In this example, you will create a script that prints out a mailing label for a particular customer. The script will prompt the user for the customer's name. This script will be a Global Script. as you will recall, a Global Script appears in the Control Panel in the Code tab, and can be run by double-clicking the script name, or clicking the Run button.
How To Print a Report Containing the Currently Selected Records
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Reports/Print a Report Showing Currently Selected Records with Action Javascript.xml
With Action Javascript, it is easy to put a button on a Grid that prints a report. You can easily link the report to data in the current Grid row. For example, if the value of the State field in the current grid row is 'MA', you can easily define a filter for the report that shows all states with a value of 'MA'.
Select a Report to Print
/documentation/pages/Guides/Report/Generating Reports/Select a Report to Print.xml
The following Xdialog box provides a convenient list of available reports to print.
Creating an Action Script for a Button on a Form
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Introduction/Creating an Action Script for a Button on a Form.xml
The scripts we've been working with so far are not associated with any particular "events." To run the "Lesson1" script, you double-click it in the Control Panel. This script is called a Global Script because it can be run at any time.
Creating Labels for a Set
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/Set/Creating Labels for a Set.xml
If you are creating a Label layout for a set, and your set contains one or more one-to-many links, by default you will get only one Label for each primary record in your set. If you want to get a separate Label for each child linked to the primary table, you can choose a different addressee table.
Using Action Script to Select a Record and Display a Form
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Records/Action Scripting - Selecting a Record and Displaying a Form.xml
Button3 runs an Action Script that is partially controlled by a value on the form. The script has a single action that displays information about the product selected on the invoice line item in the embedded browse. Since they are both views of the same set, the Product_id field is synchronized with the browse.
Using a Query to Find a Record
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/View/Workspace/Using a Query to Find a Record.xml
The following script shows how a query works. First, we open a table and set the query dot variable parameters. In this case the default record order is fine. We only filter for records where the field Bill_State_Region equals "MA". Finally, we create the query list.
Creating a Table and Exporting Selected Records to the Back-End
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/SQL/Creating a Table and Exporting Selected Records to the Back-End.xml
The following script selects records from the Alpha Sports customer.dbf table and writes them to a new table named "CustomerX" in the Access AlphaSport.mdb database.
Passing a Record from a Grid to a Dialog
/documentation/pages/Server/Guide/Design/View/Grid/Passing a Record from a Grid to a Dialog.xml
Web publishing applications only. The problem is the following. You have selected a record in a grid and now want to display it in a separate page containing dialog component. The solution to the problem lies in the fact that you can set default values for a dialog component's variables in the URL of the page that loads the dialog.
Creating a Property Grid for a User-defined Component
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Custom/Creating a Property Grid for a User-defined Component.xml
One way to create a Property Grid for a User-defined Component is to use the Property Grid builder in Action Scripting to generate the markup. This is invoked by creating a New Script (using Action Scripting), adding a new action, and selecting Xdialog Windows|Display an Xdialog Box.