Panel Layout HTML
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Properties/Panel Layout HTML/index.xml
Determines when the HTML for Panels is computed.
HTML Editor Style Xdialog
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Reference/Design/View/Xdialog/HTML Editor Style Xdialog.xml
The Xdialog Genie (within the Action Scripting Editor ) has always made it easy to develop or prototype Xdialog boxes. The Xdialog Genie supports an HTML ActiveX control. This allows you to create Xdialog boxes using the incredible richness of HTML formatting.
Embed image in HTML
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Fields/Grid Field Properties/ImageProperties/embedimageinhtml.xml
Specify if the image should be base64 encoded and embedded directly into the HTML. This reduces the number of server round-trips to get the image data, but results in a substantially larger initial payload being sent from the server to the browser. This option is generally only appropriate for 'small' images. Do not check this option if the image is specified by a URL.
HTML Memo Editor
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Properties/Linked Grids and Content/HTML Memo Editor.xml
If you are displaying a Grid component in a Linked Content Section, and if the child Grid contains a pop-up HTML memo editor, the Linked Content Grid must be placed in the Master Template or a Search Part free-form edit region. The HTML editor will not function correctly if the Linked Content is placed in the Grid part's or Detail View part's free-form edit region.
Creating an HTML Report
/documentation/pages/Guides/Report/Creating Reports/Creating an HTML Report.xml
It is a relatively simple task to "print" a report to an HTML file. This particular example collects all the "pages" of the report into a single file and creates a set of bookmarks that allows the user to quickly find a section of the report.
Starting the HTML Editor
/documentation/pages/Server/Guide/Design/View/Html/Starting the HTML Editor.xml
You can prepare HTML pages with any ASCII editor. You simply need access to the underlying HTML code. However, most developers will find the embedded HTML Editor a very convenient tool.
Home page HTML source
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/TabbedUI/Tabbed UI Properties/HomePage/homepagehtmlsource.xml
Specify if the HTML that appears on the Home page tab comes from a URL, or is defined locally.
Optimization (PhoneGap-Static HTML)
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/other/Optimization (PhoneGap-Static HTML)/index.xml
optimization properties for PhoneGap static html.
Embed images into HTML
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Data/List Properties/listprops/Fields/Image Properties/embedimagesintohtml.xml
Specify if the image should be base64 encoded and embedded directly into the HTML.
Reports - HTML Calculated Fields
/documentation/pages/Guides/Report/Adding System and Calculated Fields/Reports HTML Calculated Fields.xml
You can now define calculated fields in a report that render as HTML. Your calculated field expression returns an HTML string which Alpha Anywhere renders. This is a very powerful new feature. It will allow users to exercise an enormous amount of creativity in formatting a report. To use this feature, define a calculated field using the new printHTML() function.