INET::SSLSocket::Close Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Close Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::Close() method closes an open connection.
INET::SSLSocket::Accept Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Accept Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::Accept() method accepts a new connection (the socket must already be listening). The method returns a status object with information about the success of the call. If the call is successful, AcceptedSocket contains the new instance of INET::Socket. HandshakeReadTimeout is appropriate for SSL sockets only.
INET::SSLSocket::Write Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Write Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::Write() method writes character data to the connection.
INET::SSLSocket::SendFile Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/SendFile Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::SendFile() method sends the named file.
INET::SSLSocket Listen Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/Listen Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::Listen() method opens a socket to listen for incoming requests.
INET::SSLSocket::ReadBinary Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/ReadBinary Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::ReadBinary() method reads bytes from the connection into a BLOB variable.
INET::SSLSocket::CreateCertificateRequest Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/CreateCertificateRequest Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::CreateCertificateRequest() method creates a request for a certificate.
INET::SSLSocket::ReadLine Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/ReadLine Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::ReadLine() method reads a line from the receive buffer. A line is terminated by a CR-LF. If nothing is available, the method returns an empty string.
INET::SSLSocket::SetOptions Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/SetOptions Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::SetOptions() methods sets one or more options in a single call.
INET::SSLSocket ReadUntil Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/ReadUntil Method.xml
Reads from the input stream until the delimiter is encountered or a timeout occurs. If the function returns false, there may still be data in the returned buffer. This means that the read timed out before receiving the delimiter. If ReturnDelimiter is true, the delimiter is returned with the string.