Printing Images
/documentation/pages/Guides/Report/Printing Techniques/Printing Images.xml
The default Display Mode for image files on reports is "Absolute". This mode prints one picture pixel per printer pixel. The result will typically produce a print image smaller than you desire.
Security Groups
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Security/Security Groups.xml
Select which groups can see this control.
Security Groups
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Fields/Grid Field Properties/Client Side Properties/securitygroups.xml
Select which security groups can see this column. If no groups are selected, all users can see the column.
Security Functions
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Web/Security Functions/index.xml
Alpha Anywhere provides the following security functions for working with web security.
Security Groups
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Fields/Grid Field Properties/OtherProperties/securitygroups.xml
Select which security groups can see this column. If no groups are selected, all users can see the column.
Web Security
/documentation/pages/Server/Reference/Design/Web Security.xml
A list of web security settings in Alpha Anywhere.
General Security
/documentation/pages/Guides/Security Framework/General Security/index.xml
Information on encryption algorithms, password protecting scripts, sending secure emails, and more.
Security Framework
/documentation/pages/Guides/Security Framework/index.xml
Alpha Anywhere includes a robust security framework for building secure applications.
Uploading and Displaying Images
/documentation/pages/Server/Guide/Design/View/Grid/Uploading and Displaying Images.xml
A common web application requirement is to allow users to upload and view images. This example provides a simple model that you can start with.
Delete Security Groups
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/The Detail View/Detail View Properties/Permissions/deletesecuritygroups.xml
Specify the groups that are allowed to delete data. If all logged in users can perform deletes, do not select any groups.