Running Multiple Instances of the Alpha Anywhere Application Server
/documentation/pages/Guides/Application Server/Running Multiple Instances of the Alpha Anywhere Application Server.xml
Step by step instructions for running multiple instances of the application server:
Alpha Anywhere Application Server for IIS Provider Configuration
Building a GraphQL Service to Expose Data in a SQL Database
GraphQL is a popular approach for defining APIs. Unlike REST APIs, which have multiple endpoints, a GraphQL API exposes a single endpoint that allows many different types of queries and mutations (a mutation is a method that changes data). Alpha Anywhere's built-in genie makes creating a GraphQL service (i.e. API) to expose data in a SQL database extremely easy.
Alpha Anywhere 4.6
/documentation/pages/ReleaseNotes/Alpha Anywhere 4.6 Release.html
Alpha Anywhere Service Endpoint Definition
/documentation/pages/Ref/File Formats/Alpha Anywhere Service Endpoint Definiton.xml
Files with the .a5svc extension is used to describe how an xbasic or node class or api is exposed as a REST service.
Alpha Anywhere Classic Application Server
/documentation/pages/Guides/Application Server/index.xml
The Alpha Anywhere Classic Application Server is used with web and mobile applications.
Configuring and Running the Classic Application Server
/documentation/pages/Guides/Application Server/Server Settings/index.xml
Overview of configuring and running the Classic Application Server and Development Server. The Application Server settings control the server behavior, including configuring TLS/SSL, custom error pages, HTTP Publishing, and security.
Alpha Cloud Alpha Anywhere Developers Guide Outbound Connections
/documentation/pages/Guides/Alpha Cloud/Alpha Anywhere Developers Guide/Outbound Connections.html
Updating a Web Service Xbasic Class on the Classic Server
/documentation/pages/Guides/Services/Creating REST APIs/Updating a Web Service Xbasic Class on the Classic Server.xml
Xbasic classes used to implement web services are not reloaded unless the Classic Application Server is restarted or the __AARegisterClasses.a5w page is called.
Alpha Cloud Alpha Anywhere Developers Guide Cloud View
/documentation/pages/Guides/Alpha Cloud/Alpha Anywhere Developers Guide/Cloud View.html