Frame Begin Properties
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/container/Frame Begin Properties/index.xml
A Frame can be placed around multiple controls in the controls tree. This allows the controls to be visually grouped together when the application is run.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Xbasic/Debugging Functions/PROFILER_BEGIN Function.xml
Start profiling code after the command.
[Merge Cells Begin]
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Fields/Grid Field Properties/Control Properties/Merge Cells Begin.xml
Merges can be used to position controls in groups for both grid and UX components. Merging controls is only possible when the grid format is columnar and the Number of Layout Columns property, found under the Layout Options on the Properties page, is set to a value greater than 1. Merges can be used to combine multiple fields under one title. For example, if you have a firstname field and a lastname field, you could combine them under one merged group and give it the title 'Full Name'.
[Frame Begin]
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Fields/Grid Field Properties/Control Properties/Frame Begin Properties.xml
When designing a grid component with Columnar formatting, you may position controls by placing them into frames. A frame has a label and places a box around selected fields. You can use the frame feature in columnar layouts, such as columnar grids, search forms, and detail view forms. This example shows how to create a columnar grid with 2 frames.
DatabaseBegin Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/SQL Helper Functions/SQL Events/DatabaseBegin Function.xml
Called when a batch of updates is about to be processed for a database. This event is useful for displaying a progress/cancel dialog.
EnterCode Methods
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/UX/enter code control methods.xml/index.xml
Methods available for the JavaScript object for an Enter Code control.
The .TABLE_ALIAS method returns a pointer to a table in a set.
Enter a New Record
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Records/Enter a New Record.xml
The Enter a New Record action creates and displays a new, empty record for the user.
Xbasic Enter Record
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Xbasic Enter Record.xml
The Xbasic Enter Record action adds a record without opening a form or browse. The user never has to be aware that changes were made.
SQL::Connection BeginTransaction Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/SQL/Connection/BeginTransaction Method.xml
Begin a batch of SQL updates, inserts and/or deletes that need to succeed or fail as a group.