Microsoft Access Can't Load ODBCJI32.dll Error
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Databases/ODBCJ132 dll Error.xml
When accessing a Microsoft Access database, Alpha Anywhere may display an error message, "Can't Load ODBCJI32.dll Error". To fix this error, install or repair the Microsoft Access Database Engine.
Resolving "The operating system is presently not configured to run this application"
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Databases/operating system not configured.xml
Connecting to an Microsoft Access database may result in an error. This error can be resolved by re-installing the Access drivers.
Error page 'Error' heading
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/The Detail View/Detail View Properties/Validation/errorpageerrorheading.xml
Specify column title for 'Error' column.
Error Messages
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Debugging/Error Messages.xml
A list of possible error messages.
A5.LOAD Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/Project/A5/A5.LOAD Method.xml
The A5.LOAD() method closes the current workspace and opens the specified layoutName.
Error Functions
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Xbasic/Error Functions/index.xml
Functions for working with Xbasic errors.
Why can't I open my DBF database?
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/DBF/Why can't I open my DBF database.xml
When you are working in the Alpha Anywhere IDE and have a project open, Alpha Anywhere always knows what databases are in your project. That's not true if no project is open, or the IDE is not running. Suppose your project has a table called customer. If you go to the interactive window and type
SQL::TableSnapshot Load Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/SQL/TableSnapshot/Load Method.xml
Load definitions and data from a table in an open database connection.
Error page 'Row' heading
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/The Detail View/Detail View Properties/Validation/errorpagerowheading.xml
Specify column title for 'Row number' column.
Auto-Load Compiled Library
/documentation/pages/Guides/Xbasic/Xbasic in Desktop Applications/Use the Auto-Load Compiled Library.xml
Here is an example of how you might use the Auto-Load Compiled Library: Say that you have developed an application called MyApp (the database is called MyApp.adb ). You are now ready to distribute your application to your customers, but you want to make sure that they cannot see any of the source code of your application.