Alerts Settings


Configure the Application Server to send administrative alerts via email or text message.


Administrative alerts

Administrative alerts can be sent from the Application Server by email and SMS.

For email notifications, all that is required is a recipient email address. There is no email server configuration necessary, as emails will be sent using a special account, [email protected]. Multiple recipients may be specified by separating them with a comma.

For SMS notifications, the customer must have their own Twilio account and provide the appropriate account information in the server's settings, along with the recipient SMS number. This functionality will work with a free Twilio account, but Twilio may impose limits on free accounts. Multiple recipients may be specified by separating them with a comma.

Currently there are 4 different notification levels, detailed below. Each level includes all alerts from levels under it (higher number).

Use the Test Alerts button to test your configuration. This will send both a test email and a test SMS, if each are enabled, in order to confirm that the settings entered are working as expected.

Alert Level

Specify the alerting level. Each alert level includes all levels below it. For example, an alerting level of Level 3 - Warning will also send Level 2 - Alert and Level 1 - Emergency alerts. Alert levels and the types of messages they send are described below:

Alert Level
Level 1 - Emergency

Indicates something that requires immediate attention, as the server is no longer operating normally: Server failed to start and Server terminated abnormally (crash)

Level 2 - Alert

Indicates something that needs attention very soon, as server functionality will be impacted: Server has started in an unlicensed mode.

Level 3 - Warning

Indicates a potential problem: Maximum threads are running (e.g. server is at full capacity) and Failed to create new threads.

Level 4 - Notice

Indicates an informational notice: Normal server start, Normal server stop, and Logs automatically rotated.

Send email

Check to enable email alerts.

Email to

A comma delimited list of email recipients.

Send SMS

Check to enable SMS (text message) alerts.

SMS to

A comma delimited list of SMS numbers.

Twilio SID

Your Twilio SID.

Twilio Token

Your Twilio token.

Twilio Number

Your Twilio number.