Displaying Data From Twitter in the Alpha Anywhere List Control
The Twitter API returns data in JSON format. The Alpha Anywhere List control on a UX component is easily populated with JSON data.
The Twitter API, however, is a little tricky to work with because it requires an OAuth authorization before you can call the API functions.
Xbasic contains two new built-in functions that simplify this.
In this example we show how you can easily build a List control that displays Tweets that are retrieved by making a REST API call to Twitter.
In the example we use built-in Xbasic functions to get a 'bearer token' from Twitter.
Once we have this token, we can make calls to the Twitter API to get data in a JSON format that is used to populate the List control.
Watch Video - Part 1
Watch Video - Part 2
Watch Video - Part 3
Watch Video - Part 4