Most things can be done with NO Coding in Alpha Anywhere - but it's nice to know you can also code if you want to
. Free Webinar Series: Custom Programming on the Client and Server-Side Update - You can also go to the EVENTS section on our site for recordings and more info on upcoming webinars. Join us each Wednesday for the next three weeks as Selwyn Rabins, Alpha's Co-founder and President, presents a detailed overview of custom server and client-side programming in Alpha Anywhere. 

Part One: An Introduction to Server-Side Programming for Building Mobile and Web Applications with Alpha Anywhere
Presented by: Selwyn Rabins, Co-founder and President, Alpha Software Corporation Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 1:00 PM EDT Overview: One of Alpha Anywhere's major strengths is that you can rapidly build apps without having to do any programming. At the same time, it gives you the ability to program on both the client and server-side whenever you want or need to, so that you can fully customize your applications. Join Selwyn Rabins—Alpha Software's Co-founder and President—as he provides an introduction to Alpha's extremely rich and powerful server-side programming language, Xbasic. In this webinar, you'll learn how to write your own custom .A5W pages and event handlers, and you'll come to understand how you can harness Xbasic's power for your own web development efforts.

- You'll become familiar with the Xbasic language. Developers with previous Visual Basic experience will find Xbasic easy to learn.
- Learn how to further customize your mobile and web apps beyond the already vast capabilities that come "out of the box" with Alpha Anywhere.

Coming in Parts Two and Three: Coming in Part Two of the series, Selwyn will discuss "Using Xbasic to Interact with SQL Databases," followed by "Using JavaScript for the UX Component" in Part Three. Recordings of our previous webinars: For recordings of our previous three webinars, please click here. Interested in Professional Services? If you're interested in mentoring or consulting from Alpha Professional Services, please click here.