Clifton Rabins, Chief Sniff Tester
Alpha Software Corporation
This blog post may strike you as a bit odd coming from a company that is focused on building great software designed to let you develop and deploy powerful mobile and web apps for business, but it's about a subject many of us care deeply about. While at the office, we're heavily focused on business apps, but at home, many of us are relaxing with families that include dogs, who we consider family members. We decided to blog about this, because we know many of our customers tell us they have dogs of their own. After reading this blog entry from Dr. Andrew Weil, we wanted to share this very helpful and practical guide explaining what foods not to give your dogs to ensure the well being of your four legged boys and girls. Our Chief Sniff Tester, Clifton, certainly found this list interesting!

Alcohol, including beer, wine and liquor
Caffeine, such as tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate and colas
Dairy products
Grapes and raisins
Macadamia nuts or foods containing macadamia nuts
Meat fat or bones
Onions and garlic – raw, cooked, dehydrated or powdered
Pantry staples such as baking powder, baking soda and nutmeg
Fruits with pits, such as peaches and plums
Raw eggs, meat and fish
Salty or sugary food and drinks