On Monday night, APB will premier on FOX Network. It's a new high-tech police drama starring Justin Kirk. APB on FOX follows a tech billionaire who purchases a troubled police precinct and transforms it into a highly responsive, high-tech private police force.
In this case, art imitates life. While APB is set in Chicago, the series is loosely based on billionaire Sidney Torres' crime initiative in New Orleans. After becoming a billionaire by cleaning up the French Quarter and becoming the "trash king of New Orleans," Torres' decided to tackle crime in the French Quarter.In 2015, Torres’ kicked off his “3 men and an app” plan to augment existing New Orleans Police Department Services. Torres' built a mobile app that citizen of New Orleans could download and report crimes in the French Quarter. The mobile app would then notify and dispatch Torres' privately funded off-duty NOPD officers or on-duty NOPD officers, depending on available resources. The mobile app has put citizen in control of crime fighting and helped a strapped NOPD. The test worked and the force expanded from a few blocks to the city. After it's initial setup and success, Torres turned over the management of the program and force to the city. New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau has committed to financing Torres' force, at $900,000 a year, for the three years.
Years ago when I worked in the Business Intelligence market, I remember the day we knew analytics had gone mainstream: the day the e*trade baby started lecturing consumers about stock research and analytics. Beginning Monday, "APB" on FOX will take mobile apps mainstream when it shows mainstream America the power of a mobile app. As Alpha Anywhere users can image, it's likely the first mobile app victory of many to come.
Read more about Sidney Torres mobile crime app, or visit the French Quarter Task Force Facebook Page.
More info on ABP on FOX.