The hotel discount for Alpha DevCon ends September 20th. If you haven’t reserved your seat and hotel room yet, don’t wait — Register now!
Alpha DevCon 2017 (October 25-27, Newport, Rhode Island) assembles a wide range of executives, developers and business leaders tasked with speeding the mobilization of their organizations. For five days, attendees network with executives, business analysts, and developers leading some of the most innovative B2B and B2E mobile and web app projects in business today. Alpha Software’s full management and engineering teams as well recognized mobile strategists are among the attendees. Attend Alpha DevCon to:
- Speed your organization’s development and deployment of business apps
- Improve your application development skills
- See new capabilities and best practices being adopted into enterprise apps
- Gain and understanding of the future Alpha Anywhere product roadmap.
Top 10 reasons you can’t afford to miss Alpha DevCon this year: