At Alpha. we spend a lot of time talk to customers and reviewing trends in the industry so we can make sure that Alpha Anywhere has the right set of capabilities for our customers when they need them
As part of this effort we came across a recent interview that Forrester Vice President and Principal Analyst Jeffrey Hammond gave and we wanted to share them with you..
Some of the interesting comments are highlighted below.
“I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that [the mobile opportunity] is as big if not bigger than the opportunities that we had 25 years ago when the first desktop PC came out.”
” The revenue opportunities of mobile are huge – unprecedented – and companies who aren’t ready to jump in with both feet will be in big trouble.”
” We’re already living in a mobile-first world.”
When asked what he has to say to IT leaders who think they can wait a few months on mobile, he responded,
“Okay, well, I’m sure I’ll be talking to your replacement at that point in time. Because the reality is we’re well into the mobile shift.”