Alpha Anywhere is a powerful RMAD platform that enables you to build mobile, web, and desktop applications. Features such as offline access, data integration, and more, can be integrated seamlessly with our low-code builders and genies. To help new users be successful and help our existing users transition from building web or desktop applications to mobile, we've been working on some new tutorials to help get you started.
Two of our newest tutorials provide detailed, step-by-step instructions on building your first mobile or web application with Alpha Anywhere. In these tutorials, you will learn some of the basic skills you need to build mobile and web applications in Alpha Anywhere:
- Interacting with a SQL Database
- Working with some of the built-in genies that can vastly reduce the amount of time required to create controls and components
- Testing apps as you build them using Alpha's built-in Preview tools
By the end of each tutorial, you will have a working mobile or web application that is ready to deploy.
In Build Your First Mobile App, you will create a mobile app that interacts with the Northwind database, an Access database that ships with Alpha Anywhere. You will learn how to build connection strings to interact with SQL databases and the basic building blocks of mobile applications in Alpha Anywhere. When you complete this tutorial, you will have a mobile application that is ready to deploy using PhoneGap Build.
Get started with your first mobile app!
In Build Your First Web App, you will build your first web application using Alpha Anywhere's Flying Start Genie. In this tutorial, you'll build a web application with a Tabbed UI interface that can be used to manage data in the Northwind database, an Access database that ships with Alpha Anywhere. You will learn how the Flying Start Genie can be used to quickly get started building web applications.
Get started with your first web app!
Get More Mileage out of Alpha Anywhere's Documentation
As some of you may know, we released our new Documentation system last month. We are actively creating new articles daily. Part of this system includes a reporting system for sending us feedback. If you find information is missing or incorrect or there is something you would like to learn more about, TELL US! Use the "Report an issue with this page" link - available at the bottom of every article - to send us an email describing what you're looking for or the issue you found. Our documentation team will be notified and will be sure to respond.