Mobile, mobile, mobile... It's the rage and you cannot avoid reading about it on a daily basis and listening to prognostications about how it is going to change the world of business computing. Well, we agree and that's why the next major version of Alpha is going to be very mobile oriented. In fact, here is a link to a recorded preview of some of what is coming from Alpha However, there is a really important twist to the story - Desktops and Laptop machines are not going away. Mobile is indeed "hot," but many (if not most) business applications will still require both mobile as well as desktop/laptop web capabilities as well. Indeed that is what we are hearing from Alpha developers as well. With this in mind, it was with great interest that we came across this data shown below from Mary Meeker's December 2102 Kleiner Perkins report which shows very clearly that the desktop/laptop is not going away and in fact will hold steady beyond 2015 at about 1.5 billion machines world-wide. So what are the implications of all this? "Build Once Run Anywhere" needs to include PC's and Laptops. Well for development tools to truly be productive and provide developers with a competitive advantage, the tool needs to be able to build not only mobile applications that run on multiple brands of devices (along with multiple form factors,) but the tool also needs to be able to build web applications that run on desktops and laptops!