The Alpha development team: the secret sauce behind Alpha's success
If you ask the developers at Alpha Software what the most rewarding part their job is, they will invariably say one thing - seeing the desktop, web and mobile application development tool they created, Alpha Five, being used effectively to make companies and organizations more productive and competitive. Even more exciting is when they see Alpha Five used as the enabler for entrepreneurs to start new companies quickly and cost effectively!An excellent example of this is OERCA, a full spectrum zoological management system that enables institutions to improve the lives of marine mammals. OERCA was built from scratch for one purpose: to meet the specialized information needs of the marine mammal community, from field operations to daily zoological management, all in a secure, complete and easy-to-use system. More information is available here and a brochure is available here.
OERCA is more that just an animal record keeping database. It is a full-spectrum, portable and fully customizable application. Taking advantage of the mobile application development capabilities in Alpha Five v11, OERCA is designed to be used by workers in the field with tablets, as well as personnel in the office using laptops and desktops to manage the daily operations of a zoological facility. See the many things OERCA can do!
A short video highlighting OERCA's capabilities:
