At the core of every business application is data integration. Business decisions are often driven by sales and customer information, collected and stored in a data management system, spreadsheets, third-party applications such as Salesforce, or web services. The ability integrate and aggregate data into useful visualizations, reports, and analyses is necessary for day-to-day business operations and to remain competitive.
Building mobile and web applications on top of legacy data systems can be a daunting task. With Alpha Anywhere, however, the task of integrating data into mobile, web, and desktop applications is simplified.
Data can be aggregated from a variety of data sources, including SQL and no-SQL database systems and web services. Integrating a data from a database or web service in Alpha Anywhere is done using connection strings. A connection string describes the type of data source and information for how to connect to the data - including where the data source is hosted and any user credentials required to access the data. A connection only needs to be created once in Alpha Anywhere and can be saved and re-used in multiple mobile, web, and desktop applications. The data source used at design time often is not the same data source used in production.
Alpha Anywhere supports re-defining connection strings when an application is published. In fact, applications can be built independent of the database vendor using dynamic connections and portable SQL, allowing you to build an app once that runs off of any data backend. Alpha Anywhere adapts on the fly and understands how to communicate with all major SQL and no-SQL database systems, including Microsoft Access, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, and MongoDB.
Data access is integrated into the Alpha Anywhere IDE. When designing applications, data is mapped directly to controls in reports, charts, and application interface elements. Queries are created using Alpha Anywhere's SQL Query Builder without requiring a deep knowledge of the SQL programming language.
Alpha Anywhere offers full CRUD (create, read, update, delete) support, meaning the logic and user interface elements required for searching and modifying data are built-in and fully customizable.
Data integrity is maintained using Alpha Anywhere's sophisticated front-end and back-end data validation, Security Framework, and integrated offline support for data synchronization and conflict resolution. Client, server, and database events can be used to inject business logic when and where it is needed.
Generate reports, charts, and upload and download multimedia with minimal effort through the use of Alpha Anywhere's client-side Action Javascript and Server-side Action Scripting.
Alpha Anywhere's low-code approach allows you to quickly build fully-integrated, data-driven enterprise applications that integrate with a variety of data sources and web services while still allowing you the full control offered by full-code systems.
Learn more about Alpha Anywhere's data integration capabilities.