As Alpha Software customers begin to adopt and leverage Alpha TransForm within their businesses, we will regularly share success stories from the users who are building real business apps with TransForm. The slides below showcase how users in the medical field -- in fact staff at a leading network of hospitals built a smartphone app in minutes that allows them to dramatically improve the logging and recording of the peri-operative surgical process and steps. This form has been turned into a smartphone app and it covers the period when the patient is admitted for an operation, administered anesthesia, undergoes surgery, and experiences recovery.
Previously, medical staff captured important patient data via a paper form. This approach caused several problems, including:
- Hand-writing is not always clear
- Data entered cannot be validated
- Hard to change/update the form template
- Data cannot be reported-on easily from the written form
Applying Alpha TransForm to the Problem: Using a smartphone to capture form data
Using the data-capture smartphone app built with TransForm, the nursing team can now incorporate new data types - such as images, photo annotation, audio, etc. - into the data-capture process. The keyboard is optimized to speed capturing text and all types of mobile data, and hospital staff can sign-off on the format and submit it directly into the hospital's system(s) of record -- all from their smartphone. The slides below provide screenshots that illustrate the new smartphone data capture capabilities now possible with Alpha TransForm:
- Access and review all form data submitted
- Export data to standard file formats (Excel, PDF and more)
- View all form definitions, update or create new templates with a full-featured form design tool
- Define user security permissions for accessing/filling-in forms on multiple levels
Alpha Software and its new TransForm technology enables business domain experts (a.k.a., citizen developers) and IT departments to work together to quickly and effectively digitize business processes and deliver tangible business impact. The technology lets line-of-business experts build mobile apps using their insight regarding workflow needs and efficiencies, while simultaneously enabling IT to control data integration with systems of record, and data security compliance. Check out our 90-second video about TransForm, and get more details about TransForm here.