Alpha Software Blog

IT organizations will spend More on Mobile Apps

Based on a recent survey of 295 senior-level enterprise mobility professionals conducted by Enterprise Mobility Exchange and published in February 2015, mobile applications were the top investment priority for organisations in 2014, and will continue in this position in 2015.

IDC LOGOIt has been clear for some time that the demand for enterprise mobile apps will continue on its steep upwards trajectory as the C-suite acknowledges the intersection of cloud, social media, big data and analytics as an opportunity to disrupt existing business models to increase revenue.

Gartner predicts the market for enterprise application software to reach an astronomical worth of $575billion by the end of 2018.

To support this, according to IDC, IT organisations will be devoting at least 25% of their software budget to mobile application development, deployment, and management by 2017. IDC also forecasts that by 2017, 100% of the line of business apps in customer-facing roles, and 75% of line of business apps in internally-facing roles, will be built for mobile-first consumption.

To read the full report please go to

(Alpha Software is a sponsor of this report)

For more on Alpha Anywhere please check out this recent blog post.

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About Author

Richard Rabins
Richard Rabins

Co-founder of Alpha Software, Richard Rabins focuses on strategy, sales, and marketing. Richard also served as CEO of SoftQuad International from 1997 to 2001, when it owned Alpha. In addition to his 30 years with the company, Richard played a key role as co-founder, and served as president and chairman of the Massachusetts Software Council (now the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council), the largest technology trade organization in Massachusetts. Prior to founding Alpha, Richard was a project leader and consultant with Information Resources, Inc. (IRI), and a management consultant with Management Decision Systems, Inc. Richard holds a master's degree in system dynamics from the Sloan School at MIT, and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and master's degree in control engineering from University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has served on the boards of Silent Systems, Legacy Technology and O3B Networks, and is co-founder of Tubifi

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The Alpha platform is the only unified mobile and web app development and deployment environment with distinct “no-code” and “low-code” components. Using the Alpha TransForm no-code product, business users and developers can take full advantage of all the capabilities of the smartphone to turn any form into a mobile app in minutes, and power users can add advanced app functionality with Alpha TransForm's built-in programming language. IT developers can use the Alpha Anywhere low-code environment to develop complex web or mobile business apps from scratch, integrate data with existing systems of record and workflows (including data collected via Alpha TransForm), and add additional security or authentication requirements to protect corporate data.
