What’s the current state of enterprise mobility and mobile apps? B2B ratings and reviews firm Clutch partnered with end-to-end mobility services company DMI to find out. They did a survey of 582 enterprises offers the latest data on enterprise mobility and mobile apps . Alpha Software CEO Richard Rabins was quotes as an expert in the report. The survey results, as you can see here, are eye-opening.
The enterprise mobility data found, for a start, that nearly all enterprises have a mobility strategy in place --- 89% of them, according to respondents. But an enterprise mobility strategy can mean many things to many people. So Clutch turned to Rabins to ask for his definition of a mobility strategy. He answered that an enterprise mobile strategy is mainly concerned with “defining the areas where mobile can impact [enterprises] the most, by getting information faster and then acting on that information”.
Clutch used Rabins’ definition for the survey, and in this data on enterprise mobility trends asked enterprises what elements go into their mobility strategy. Cloud integration (67%) and mobile device management (67%) were the most cited, followed mobile application management (65%), managed mobility services (59%), and providing mobile devices to employees (57%). No other elements were cited by more than 50% of respondents.

Enterprise Mobility Data: Benefits of Investing in Mobility (Source: Clutch 2016 Enterprise IT Survey)
As for the benefits of an enterprise mobile strategy, no single reason stands out for most companies. The leading benefit, improved employee productivity, was cited by 19% of companies, followed by improved data access (15%), increased sales (14%), improved internal communication (14%), improved data capture and accuracy (14%), improved customer service (14%) and increased customer engagement (12%).
The biggest challenge cited was data security (21%), followed by budget (15%), device management (13%), employee training and change management (12%), effective custom application development (11%), legacy application integration (10%), application deployment and management (10%), and lack of organizational support (7%).
As for what’s next in enterprise mobility, the data’s major finding is that more budget is on the way. Some 69% of companies said they were going to invest more in enterprise mobility, with 24% saying their budgets would stay the same, and only 7% saying they would invest less.
Finally, there was no surprise in where the greatest increase in spending will occur: In cloud integration (30%), and mobile security (18%). The only other area cited by more than 10% of respondents was integrating IoT technologies (13%).
Read the entire clutch report and see the full data on enterprise mobility trends.
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