As organizations struggle to serve more mobile customers and meet the demand for mobile apps, local governments are one segment that faces unique challenges. This week, Gartner published the report: "How Local Government CIOs Can Improve Mobile App Strategies" to help local government CIOs meets citizen demand for mobile government services and employee desire for a digital workplace.
Gartner Analyst Bill Finnerty explains that citizen now expect to transact with government services through mobile apps that are as easy to use and intuitive as the B2C apps they use on their phones and tablets everyday. To deliver this type of experience to citizens, government CIOs must re-evaluate their IT strategy to make sure it addresses mobile, and scales and evolves in the long-term.
Finnerty begins with two assumptions based on Gartner research:
"By 2020, 70% of enterprise mobile apps used in enterprises will be developed or adopted without IT involvement."While Finnerty acknowledges that the move to mobile is inevitable and CIOs must develop a mobile strategy, he warns:
"By 2020, the vast majority of application development — mobile and traditional (or desktop) — will have moved to lightweight web- and mobile-style app integration approaches."
"Before establishing a mobile app strategy, CIOs must clearly define the organization's overall mobile strategy, making it clear when it is appropriate to use a mobile adaptive website versus a mobile app."He advises local government CIOs and IT leaders to:
- Adopt a bimodal approach to speed app development and delivery (According to Gartner, a bimodal approach is "the practice of managing two separate but coherent styles of work: one focused on predictability; the other on exploration.")
- Craft "customer journey maps" that include mobile apps to best meet customer expectations and needs.
- Increase mobile app production by "establishing a policy framework, standards and a technology platform that provides an app incubator toolset to employees, citizens and other third parties".
- Regularly review and evaluate the current portfolio of mobile apps to eliminate apps that no longer add value.
Warren County, NY
We completely agree with Finnerty's advice. In fact, one Alpha Anywhere customer, Warren County of NY, recently presented on the topic of speeding mobile app development in government at our 2016 Alpha DevCon.
"With Alpha Anywhere, we're creating web-based and mobile apps that save time and money, tap into multiple sources of data, and bring government services closer to the citizens of Warren County." - Jeremy Scrime, Senior Programmer Analyst, Warren County IT Department
Read a detailed case study on Warren County's work to speed mobile app development.