Our customers often tell us that compared to other application development platforms, Alpha is special because it helps them do the development tasks that are common but complicated in mobile applications. Things like AJAX callbacks, saving data offline, connecting to data sources and more can be difficult task to accomplish when building mobile apps.
Alpha's mobile app development software simplifies these tasks through it's unique combination of app development techniques: RMAD and Low Code.
RMAD stands for Rapid Mobile Application Development - and it means that a system is designed to create applications in significantly less time than with straight coding. With an RMAD system, the time from conception to deployment for a mobile app is drastically reduced. Custom mobile applications can be realized faster than those built with traditional methods.
"Low code" is a related term, and it refers to a system in which the developer doesn't need to write much code (and sometimes no code at all) - but they still have full access to the underlying code should they need to manually add a capability that is not included in the development platform. Additionally, a low code platform enables people who aren't skilled software developers to create mobile apps. For businesses where resources are limited, a low code development tool can enable them to meet mobile demands without need to higher specialized application developers.
RMAD plus Low Code make an unbeatable combination, because they offer the speed of rapid application developers without sacrificing the power and flexibility of coding.
We've put together a short video demonstrating Alpha Anywhere, Alpha Software's free RMAD low code platform you can use for free.
If you'd prefer to build apps without coding at all, try our no-code app builder.