With 2017 upon us, it’s time to make your plans for mobile development this year. To help you make sure you’ve got the right development and marketing strategy, we’ve rounded up seven mobile facts you need to know. (We picked what we feel are the top 7 points from a longer blog post by Ramona Sukhraj with even more facts to help you --- 31 mobile marketing statistics to help you plan for 2017. So if you want more details, head there.)
- People spend 89% of their mobile media time in apps, and on 11% on websites. There’s a message here for you: If you design your app well, people will spend a lot of time in it consuming media. So don’t scrimp on UI design.
- Sixty-one percent of people won’t bother visiting to a mobile website they’ve had trouble accessing. And even worse than that, 40% will instead head to a competitor. This is according to Google, says a McKinsey report. That means not just that you need to design better, but you should do user testing as well to see which ones are the easiest for them to access.
- Eighty-three percent of B2B marketers believe that mobile apps are important for content marketing. That means that mobile apps shouldn’t just be considered productivity-enhancers or as retail apps. You need to consider them powerful marketing tools as well, so make sure yours serve that purpose.
- Forty percent of mobile searches are about something local. That’s according to the Google Mobile Moments Study. The message to you: Even if you’re a small business you need a mobile strategy and a web site that display well on mobile devices.
- Sixty-eight percent of companies use mobile in their overall marketing strategies. So says a report by Salesforce. So if you aren’t using mobile for marketing, you’re being left behind. If you are using mobile for marketing, you should redouble your efforts.
- Mobile advertising will account for 72% of all digital ad spending in the U.S. by 2019. That’s according to a report by Marketing Land. So, if your company gets any digital ad revenue, it’s time to focus on mobile so you can go where the money is.
- Eight-three percent of mobile users believe that it’s very important that they have a seamless experience across all mobile devices. That means you need to build apps for all the important mobile platforms, including the web. And the apps need to look and work the same everywhere. If you’re looking for a great tool to build mobile apps that that do that, check out Alpha Anywhere.
For two more articles on 2017 mobile app predictions you should know, read: "'Write-Your-Own-Apps' (By Citizen Developers) Is the Next Big Trend" , "Mobile Will Eat the World in 2017, Says Forrester", and "Why Artificial Intelligence Will Be Big in Mobile App Development 2017."