Last month, Alpha Software teamed with Warren J. Wexelman, MD, a cardiologist/internist serving on the front lines of diagnosing and treating COVID-19 patients, to craft an app that could be used by doctors to quickly assess incoming patients during expected surges. Alpha Software released the Alpha COVID-19 Risk Assessment App to the public to help combat expected surges in hospitals and as a free, online tool to the public so they could anonymously assess their risk of developing COVID-19 and determine next steps.
In a major update to the app, Alpha Software announced today that it has released a multi-language version of the app, making it the only multi-language COVID-19 risk assessment app available. Users simply click a link, select their language – English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, or French – and answer questions about their medical history, recent travel, contact with sick individuals, and current symptoms. The app dynamically presents follow-on questions based on answers given. The app then uses current CDC guidelines to assess the user’s risk of developing COVID-19 and likelihood of symptoms being COVID-19. Next healthcare steps are also suggested.** The app can also be used by doctors to triage patients.
"The public wants fast answers and doctors require rapid methods to triage incoming patients,” said Dr. Wexelman, physician at NYU Langone Medical Center, and author of the app. “Simultaneously, we’re learning more about the virus every day, so risk factors and guidelines are constantly evolving. This app employs CDC guidelines, yet is built on a platform that can be updated immediately to reflect the latest guidelines.”
Alpha Software is providing the app free of-charge as a public service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Users can access the online tool for free at:
**Important note: This Alpha COVID-19 App does not provide medical advice but is intended for information purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not engaging in the practice of medicine, nor is it in any way meant to eliminate your doctor or other healthcare providers. Do not ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of the questions or results of the Alpha COVID-19 App. No matter what the questions are or the results of the App show, if you do not feel well, call your doctor or other health care provider immediately. If you think that that you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911. Always follow social distancing guidelines put forth by the health care community and governmental authorities.