Mobile may seem to be conquering the business world, but in 2015, most firms will under-invest in mobile business apps, with dire consequences for them. That's what Forrester predicts in its latest report, "Predictions 2015: Most Firms Will Underinvest in Mobile eBusiness." But if you play your cards right, that could be the best news for your business. Forrester sees 2015 as a transitional year in mobile, "accelerating the gap between companies embracing the mobile mind shift and those with executives who underestimate the impact of mobile on their businesses. Casualties of mobile myopia will be more visible in 2015." Companies suffering from mobile myopia will essentially stand pat, doing very little to transform their businesses for the mobile future, or engage customers more effectively via mobile technologies, Forrester concludes. Numbers back it up: Forrester found that only 7% of enterprises it surveyed had organizations in place to transform customers experiences through mobile. And at most, only 25% of all companies will do that in 2015.