If you haven’t used low code development platforms or no-code app builders before, it can be tough to get started. Although the platforms are easy to use, integrating them into your company’s business and IT and development teams can be challenging. This article offers some advice to get started.
By now, you likely know that no matter the size of your company or the industry it’s in, no-code/low-code platforms are in your future.
Gartner says that by 2024 the tools will be used for more than 65% of all application development.
A recent VentureBeat blog post, “No-code/low-code: Why you should be paying attention," claims productivity increases of between 500-700% can be achieved by using low-code/no-code tools. The author encourages the highlights some important challenges you're likely to face. I've included four of them with the my recommendations on how to overcome them.
Challenges to Low-Code and No-Code Software Adoption
Challenge #1: You’ll have to face culture change.
The blog post warns, “Changing the culture to obliterate silos is not easy. It requires executive vision and endorsement. It also requires the allocation of budget and empowerment to a low-code/no-code digital transformation competency center.”
Solution: Make sure all the important stakeholders in your company buy into the use of the platforms and have an important say in how they’ll be deployed. And consider setting up the low-code/no-code digital transformation competency center that the post mentions.
Challenge #2: It will take both time and effort to learn how to use the platforms.
The blog post says, “This is one of the most misunderstood aspects of low-code/no-code.” Although using them can be easy, learning their intricacies and becoming experts in them, especially targeted at your company’s needs, can be difficult.
Solution: Consider getting training directly from the low-code/no-code platform vendor or a training company they recommend. That will cut down the learning curve significantly.
Challenge #3: Community support for the platform might be hard to find.
There are countless online sites and forums devoted to helping developers. But many low-code/no-code platforms are relatively new, or they don’t have significant forums devoted to them. That can make it tough for developers to get help when they need it.
Solution: Look for a mature platform that has a significant following before buying. Spend time on the forums to see how much helpful advice is offered.
Challenge #4: Pricing may be confusing.
Some vendors may not have straightened out their pricing structures, or don’t clearly outline them. That means you may not know how much you’ll eventually have to pay on an ongoing basis.
Solution: Demand clarity before buying. Make sure terms are clearly spelled out before signing on the dotted line.
VentureBeat hits on some familiar challenges that we've encountered as we've worked with customers. I'd add a few more that we've helped customers solve as they've ramped low-code and no-code use to more parts of their organization:
Challenge #5: Ramping up new groups may be slow.
Many low-code vendors claim their software is easy to learn, but not every user may be willing to spend a lot of time taking courses or watching tutorials, particularly if they're not early adopters.
Solution: Find a vendor that offers app templates that users in different departments can adopt and use or easily customize. That will help them kickstart their use and keep the bar low for initial success with the software.
Challenge #6: Scaling and Maintaining
Many companies get burned when they start developing on a low-code platform or adopt a no-code tool, then realize they need to pay for modules, have hit their limits on users or apps, or can't issue app updates in a timely fashion,
Solution: Make sure any solution you select has a simple and cost-effective method to put your apps into production and easily update them. For example, Alpha Anywhere lets users build their apps for free, then deploy them to the cloud using Alpha Cloud for as low as $99/month. In addition, make sure your software platform has a method to easily and quickly update apps for end-users. For example, because it's already available in the app store, the Alpha TransForm no-code app builder allows developers to update and publish app updates instantly.
Want to get started with Low Code Software but still have questions?
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