Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. But your company can get even more out of it by combining it with two other technologies — blockchain and mobile.
At first glance, AI and blockchain might not appear to be a good match. After all, what can the technology that underlies the Bitcoin virtual currency possibly have to do with AI? But blockchain can help increase AI’s power in multiple ways, according to the article, “The Projects Harnessing AI and Blockchain That You Need To Know About.”
The article points out that AI is only as good as the underlying data it uses. And one way blockchain can help AI is by making sure that data is accurate and uncorrupted, according to Yat Siu, co-founder of game-maker Animoca Brands.
“If the data source is bad (or corrupted) the AI becomes bad too,” the article quotes him as saying. “Perfect example is fake news – data that is filtered through the blockchain, verified and effectively trusted would help solve this.”
Further Reading: What happens if AI is based on bad data?
The Achilles Heel of AI and What to Do About It
Blockchain can also help companies harness more AI power, by letting them tap into multiple sources of computing power, according to Wil Brown, founder of Neureal, which combines blockchain and AI. AI, he says, is “ultimately limited by the computing power and data available to single people or organizations. If we want to take it to the next level and give everyone the cheapest access, then it’s going to require decentralized blockchain. Bitcoin shows us this can happen by it having more computing power than one thousand times all of the world’s centralized supercomputers put together.”
In addition, blockchain can help smaller companies, which lack large financial or computing resources, get access to AI. Blockchain can let them get AI services via a decentralized microservices architecture. In this way, the author of the article writes, “Suddenly smaller businesses and start-ups will be able to use AI in ways they never could have afforded before, opening up new paths to innovation, in the same way that the cloud gave rise to companies like Uber, Spotify and Airbnb. The worlds of commerce, privacy, security and finance are ready to be disrupted by blockchain AI.”
How Mobile Can Power Up AI
Mobile can also turbocharge AI. As with blockchain, one important way it can do it is by dramatically improving data quality. The Alpha Software guide “Adding Artificial Intelligence Capabilities to Your Mobile Apps,” puts it this way: “Traditional data collection often comes from multiple sources including manual data entry and paper forms. It could take weeks to get hand-written forms completed in the field into corporate systems of record, and often the results are prone to errors. If your data isn’t accurate, your AI results will be lackluster, if not completely wrong. As a result, it’s critical to ensure that your AI effort is based on accurate, timely data. Modern mobile forms that incorporate best practices for field data collection are critical to enable solid AI.”
To learn more about how mobile can dramatically improve your company’s use of AI, download the guide. It will help you make sure your AI data is of the highest quality and also aid you in thinking through some of the key market factors, technology starting points and business examples for applying AI to your next business app.