Alpha Software Blog

Turn Your Company into a Mobile App Development Factory

Mobile Marketing Watch recently invited me to offer insight from Alpha Software on trends in the mobile app development market. As VP of Marketing, I see more and more organizations coming to Alpha Software because they are facing intense pressure to mobilize business processes, but so far have lacked the experience, budget and staff to make it happen. In addition, I regularly speak with industry analysts who report a widening gap between companies’ intent to take business processes mobile and their ability to get the job done.

Mobile communications and social networking concept

In the article, "What’s Holding Mobile Back?", I share insightful data from Forrester, Gartner and IDC on the stark reality at many enterprises and why this is occurring. Here’s a sample of the type of data included in the article:

    • Gartner research indicates that demand for mobile apps will grow at least 5X faster than IT organizations capacity to deliver
    • IDC research indicates that 30% of the apps enterprises deployed in the last 12 to 18 months failed
    • IDC research indicated that the top problems companies face in getting mobile apps to market involve security and compliance issues, linking mobile platforms to existing databases, and development taking too long
The story is not all grim.  The second half of the article outlines how some companies have solved these problems. The story includes recommendations from industry analysts on the technologies -- including low-code development and Rapid Mobile Application Development (RMAD) platforms -- that have allowed their clients to break these logjams and dramatically increase mobile app development throughput. These new approaches allow skilled developers, business analysts and domain experts to begin rapidly building powerful mobile apps that deal effectively with all of the technical challenge companies face when going mobile.

Amy Groden-Morrison, VP of Marketing

Amy Groden-Morrison, VP of Marketing

Do you agree with this industry data? What are your key challenges around mobile app development? Is your organization moving to Low-Code or RMAD platforms? Please share the article within your networks to generate discussion and connect with me on twitter with your thoughts: @agmorriso

Read the full article "What’s Holding Mobile Back?"
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About Author

Amy Groden-Morrison
Amy Groden-Morrison

Amy Groden-Morrison has served more than 15 years in marketing communications leadership roles at companies such as TIBCO Software, RSA Security and Ziff-Davis. Most recently she was responsible for developing marketing programs that helped achieve 30%+ annual growth rate for analytics products at a $1Bil, NASDAQ-listed business integration Software Company. Her past accomplishments include establishing the first co-branded technology program with CNN, launching an events company on the NYSE, rebranding a NASDAQ-listed company amid a crisis, and positioning and marketing a Boston-area startup for successful acquisition. Amy currently serves as a Healthbox Accelerator Program Mentor, Marketing Committee Lead for the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge Launch Smart Clinics, and on the organizing team for Boston TechJam. She holds an MBA from Northeastern University.

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The Alpha platform is the only unified mobile and web app development and deployment environment with distinct “no-code” and “low-code” components. Using the Alpha TransForm no-code product, business users and developers can take full advantage of all the capabilities of the smartphone to turn any form into a mobile app in minutes, and power users can add advanced app functionality with Alpha TransForm's built-in programming language. IT developers can use the Alpha Anywhere low-code environment to develop complex web or mobile business apps from scratch, integrate data with existing systems of record and workflows (including data collected via Alpha TransForm), and add additional security or authentication requirements to protect corporate data.
