Take advantage of native device functionality and app store deployment in a fraction of the time required for native iOS, Win Phone, or Android mobile app development with Alpha Anywhere's new PhoneGap Build integration
Ever since we first released Alpha Anywhere, people have asked us how they can create Hybrid (HMTL5/Native) apps that can tap into mobile device hardware, and, how to deploy those apps from public and enterprise app stores.
PhoneGap has always been the answer, but until now it has required a serious effort to learn about PhoneGap and its many plugins. But now, with the current pre-release build of Alpha Anywhere, we've added incredibly simple PhoneGap integration. Take advantage of native device functionality and start building cross platform Hybrid mobile apps in a fraction of the time required for native iOS, Win, and or Android mobile app development!
In this brief, 10 minute video you'll learn everything you need to know about building PhoneGap wrapped Hybrid business apps in a snap with Alpha Anywhere. Publish builds for iOS, Android and Windows Phone with the click of a button!
Alpha Anywhere is a complete front-end to back-end, prototype-to-production environment for rapidly developing and deploying enterprise-level, cross-platform mobile and web business applications.

PhoneGap has always been the answer, but until now it has required a serious effort to learn about PhoneGap and its many plugins. But now, with the current pre-release build of Alpha Anywhere, we've added incredibly simple PhoneGap integration. Take advantage of native device functionality and start building cross platform Hybrid mobile apps in a fraction of the time required for native iOS, Win, and or Android mobile app development!
Video: Alpha Anywhere's new PhoneGap integration explained in 10 minutes
In this brief, 10 minute video you'll learn everything you need to know about building PhoneGap wrapped Hybrid business apps in a snap with Alpha Anywhere. Publish builds for iOS, Android and Windows Phone with the click of a button!
Alpha Anywhere is a complete front-end to back-end, prototype-to-production environment for rapidly developing and deploying enterprise-level, cross-platform mobile and web business applications.