The latest issue of PwC’s strategy & business features article written by Alpha Software Corporation CTO Dan Bricklin on a consequence of smartphones in organizations and steps organizations will need to take to remain competitive. While smartphones have become extensions of their owners, many companies have failed to realize take advantage of this connection people have with their devices to produce effective and meaningful experiences that forward business relationships.
In his article, entitled, “Radical Intimacy and the Smartphone,” Bricklin explains that with the rise of BYOD, businesses have let smartphones and tablets become gateways to their systems. Although organizations want to mobile workers and customers, the consequences have not always been favorable. He points out:
“…The institution has decidedly less control over its information, or the time and place of using it, because of the personal nature of the connection…"
"...We rarely even try to track the fatigue, friction, and loss of commitment that stems from poorly designed technology. And poorly designed technology is everywhere…”
Bricklin warns readers:
“Businesses (and other organizations) that can figure out how to adapt to this type of user experience will thrive. Those that cannot will become irrelevant.”
Read the full article.