Alpha Software Blog

The Compelling Case for Deploying to Alpha Cloud

Alpha Cloud The overwhelming benefit of deploying Alpha Anywhere mobile and web applications to Alpha Cloud is that it allows developers to “publish and forget it!”

We built Alpha Cloud with all its automated capabilities and power because we know that developers really want to focus on building and polishing great applications, not spending their precious time babysitting servers or twisting the arms of others to do the job for them.

Remember, even the greatest applications, depend on getting the servers set up and maintained properly with scaling, load balancing, failover, and redundancy to achieve appropriate performance levels under real-world usage situations.

Alpha Cloud is the only fully managed cloud for deployment of mobile and web applications.

Getting applications deployed that are “production” ready only takes minutes on Alpha Cloud, which is built on the AWS infrastructure

Feedback from developers using Alpha Cloud for deployment  can be summed up in this quote from an Alpha Anywhere developer who has been using Alpha Cloud:

"After switching to Alpha Cloud, I fell in love with all the automation, responsiveness and flexibility it provides me. I could never go back to regular hosting with all its restrictions. It would be like asking a helicopter pilot to go back from "fly-by-wire" flying to manual operation."

The 7 PLUS 1 principles that guided the design of Alpha Cloud were:

  1. Developers should not have to worry about monitoring the system
  2. Developers should not have to worry about load-balancing and scaling up and down
  3. Developers should not have to worry about physical plant aspects like space, power, temperature
  4. Developers should not have to worry about backups or redundancy
  5. Developer should be able to deploy to any future Alpha Anywhere version
  6. Developers should be able to deploy near their users
  7. Developers should be able to create special demo and custom environments painlessly

PLUS 1. Finally, an enormous effort has gone into building Alpha Anywhere itself with tremendous capabilities and attention to detail for application development. In building the Alpha Cloud, we wanted to engineer a cloud that made Alpha Anywhere an equally impressive platform for powerful and painless application deployment.

Think of Alpha Cloud not as “Hosting” but rather as “Deployment as a Service” 

Ready When You Are

Get a subscription and begin deploying with Alpha Cloud immediately

Production Quality” is Standard

Load balancing, failover, horizontal scaling are standard features
Applications are run on at least two servers in separate data centers
As load increases, servers are added automatically
When a server fails, a new one is started automatically
Secure transport (HTTPS) is used by default

Built on the industry standard Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) running on Windows Server 2016

Multiple processes on each server instance automatically managed by IIS
If a process fails, IIS automatically restarts it
Processes automatically restart periodically
No interruption of service on process restarts.  
Restarts to processes are overlapped, meaning that pending requests are served while new processes start up.

Visibility into the Running Environment

Self-service management of deployments
Access to production logs
Detail and summary usage statistics
Graphical display of resource usage over time and by requested resource/page

 Our cloud, your brand

Set your own DNS names and certificates onto deployed web sites.

Developer Friendly

Publish applications to Alpha Cloud directly from Alpha Anywhere
You choose the Alpha Anywhere server build/version for each application deployment
Launch publicly available development, test/demo web sites with secure connections (HTTPS) 
without the hassle of DNS configuration. 
We generate the URL and provide the certificate.
Simple rollback/roll-forward “goof-proof” deployment
Deploy a published application to multiple web sites with separate configurations 
making SaaS offerings simple to provision
Authorize employees and contractors to work on your subscription with separate accounts and 
limited privileges. 
Revoke that authorization at any time.

Summary of Alpha Cloud Features

✓ Direct Publishing to the Cloud
✓ Create Multiple Sites & Test Environments
✓ Publish to any Alpha Anywhere Version
✓ Automatic Scaling to Handle Increased Demand
✓ Integrated Rollback and Deployment Scheduling
✓ Fine-grained Control of Resource Management
✓ Failover Support
✓ Domain Name Support
✓ Multi-region Support
✓ TLS/SSL Support
✓ Tenancy Control
✓ Administrative Controls for your Dev Team
We are introducing Alpha Cloud with pricing plans that will ensure that going to the Alpha Cloud is a “no-brainer”
Please contact for details
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About Author

Richard Rabins
Richard Rabins

Co-founder of Alpha Software, Richard Rabins focuses on strategy, sales, and marketing. Richard also served as CEO of SoftQuad International from 1997 to 2001, when it owned Alpha. In addition to his 30 years with the company, Richard played a key role as co-founder, and served as president and chairman of the Massachusetts Software Council (now the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council), the largest technology trade organization in Massachusetts. Prior to founding Alpha, Richard was a project leader and consultant with Information Resources, Inc. (IRI), and a management consultant with Management Decision Systems, Inc. Richard holds a master's degree in system dynamics from the Sloan School at MIT, and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and master's degree in control engineering from University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has served on the boards of Silent Systems, Legacy Technology and O3B Networks, and is co-founder of Tubifi

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The Alpha platform is the only unified mobile and web app development and deployment environment with distinct “no-code” and “low-code” components. Using the Alpha TransForm no-code product, business users and developers can take full advantage of all the capabilities of the smartphone to turn any form into a mobile app in minutes, and power users can add advanced app functionality with Alpha TransForm's built-in programming language. IT developers can use the Alpha Anywhere low-code environment to develop complex web or mobile business apps from scratch, integrate data with existing systems of record and workflows (including data collected via Alpha TransForm), and add additional security or authentication requirements to protect corporate data.
