Earlier this week, TechCrunch reporter Sarah Perez published a story, “Nearly 1 in 4 People Abandon Mobile Apps After Only One Use.” The article cites recent data from a Locaytics study that proves that while Apple’s iTunes App Store hosts over 1.5 million apps and Google Play hosts over 2 million apps, the number of apps consumers are downloading and using remains small.
Localytics report had some of the following findings, based on its user base of 37,000 applications:
- 62% of users will use an app less than 11 times
- 23% launch an app only once – a slight improvement over 20% in 2014
- in-app messages improve users retention to 46%
But while the article seemed to show bad news for B2C apps, we’re seeing opposite trends in many of our low-code B2B and B2E apps. Our customers, such as Hayat Communications and a major oil drilling company, report wide adaption and use of their B2E apps, because they have become an integral part of their end users’ daily routine.
We recently blogged on key complaints that end users cite when using business apps. By understanding common complaints and thinking ahead to what critical features end users want in their apps, developers can build apps that won’t get abandoned after the first download.
Click to read what complaints and 10 most critical features business users cite in end-user surveys.
Learn which 7 capabilities your mobile app development platform must include to satisfy end users.
Read the full TechCrunch article.
To read the full Localytics Research Report, click here.