To ensure product quality, inspection data has to be collected continuously.
This data is the "fuel" underlying the entire quality control process. In addition, with companies begining to introduce AI and Machine Learning into their processes, these models are only as good as the data they're built with -remember that old saying; "garbage in, garbage out."
There is a fundamental rule regarding the data that you use to make decions:
You must be able to trust your data's accuracy, timeliness, and completeness
Some of your manufacturing data may originate from IOT, sensors, and other automated measurement devices. But despite the advent of automation, a large amount of manufacturing data still originates from humans on the manufacturing production floor or in the warehouse. Often, inspectors or inventory managers are doing materials or quality checks on paper, and this introduces risk and can compromise the reliability of your data collection, leading to data that may not be "trustworth"
To improve the trustworthiness, timeliness, and completeness of data collected by workers, manufacturers are going digital. They're replacing paper forms with mobile (and web) inspection apps, or mobile forms, that work on tablets and smartphones.
But if the mobile forms you're using aren't fully customizable and sophisticated in terms of things like data validation, error trapping, complex calculations, bar code lookups, and embedded logic - chances are high that there will be mistakes. Another factor to consider is If your workers are collecting data with mobile devices but are working in an area of the facility without a good Internet connection, that will directly impact the ability of your mobile device or laptop to work.. These deficiencies will result in compromised product quality, more wastage, potentially late shipments, and customer dissatisfaction.
Because of its experience and Alpha TransForm, its market leading data-capture software, Alpha Software works with manufacturers to replace their paper forms with trustworthy and powerful data collection apps (including dashboards and workflow) that improve product quality, customer satisfaction and enhanced product reputation