Alpha TransForm Release Notes

We're pleased to announce that a new version of Alpha TransFrom has been released. As with every release, we continue to focus on improving Alpha TransForm. This release includes several notable changes, bug fixes, and performance enhancements.

New in Version 9.0

Changes have been made that give you greater control over the
appearance of your forms - including new render functions that let you design very sophisticated
button types. There are also new controls when adding sections to your forms, as well as better
control over custom error messages.
For the TPL developer, JSON and Text Blocks make inserting multi-line strings into
your code much easier, with a new Block command. And better still, TPL Tracing is now
available in the mobile application, allowing you quickly identify issues in a running,
native environment.
A video of these new features can be found here:



Past TransForm Releases

Release notes for prior releases can be found below: