Mobile forms and desktop forms are very different. Learn 8 reasons why.
When you think about it, designing a form for a desktop/laptop is VERY different from designing a form for a mobile device. Tablet forms can't be designed as you would a desktop application.
Here are eight fundamental differences that need to be accounted for when designing mobile forms:
- On a desktop you have the use of two hands, on a mobile device you typically only have one hand (the other one is holding the mobile device.)
- On a desktop you have a mouse, on a mobile device you do not
- On a desktop you have a large amount of screen real estate, on a mobile device you do not.
- On a desktop you have the use a physical keyboard, on a mobile device you have a software keyboard that is competing for space on the screen with the form and interfering with smooth and efficient data entry.
- On a desktop you have a live connection to a server, on a mobile device you have to make your form work even if there is no Wifi/4G/3G.
- On a desktop you typically don't have a camera for taking pictures, video and voice recordings, on a mobile device you do.
- On a desktop you are not going to enhance the form with electronic ink, on a mobile device electronic ink can add real value to a form in terms of drawings, sketches, markup and annotation
- On a desktop you generally do not have location and date/time stamp awareness, on a mobile device you do.
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