As we recover from ringing in the new year, we're excited to begin working with customers on their 2015 prioritizes. Businesses are starting to realize the need for . But what does this mean for mobile enterprise application development? With many articles and blogs predicting what 2015 will bring to enterprises challenged with building mobile apps, we wanted to share a short but insightful post from Richard Marshall of Gartner.
In a late December post on his LinkedIn blog, Marshall links to a number of recent Gartner reports that show evidence that the enterprise mobile apps market is far from dying down but, in fact, is just picking up steam. According to Marshall, recent Gartner Research indicates that:
"…there will be millions of new apps being produced in 2015-2020. Good times for developers and amazing opportunities for new tool vendors."
This number isn't surprising to us, as we're helping our customers focus on mobilizing a large range of internal business processes, from manufacturing to maintenance, to sales and field services. And once they mobilize their first business process, they quickly turn to mobilizing the next one. Virtually every enterprise department is looking to mobilize their business processes, take advantage of partners and customers with mobile devices and to better serve an increasingly mobile workforce.2.5 billion non-desk workers world wide - a perfect use case for enterprise mobile apps
In his keynote presentation at the 2nd Annual Emergence Capital Enterprise Mobile Forum, Kevin Spain of Emergence Capital identified 2.5 billion non-desk workers around the world, set to have their processes and roles completely transformed by mobile. That number represents an incredible number of B2E mobile apps that need to be built to mobilize a host of internal business processes. We agree with Richard Marshall: "We see many apps in your future."To read more about what Gartner has to say about the mobile apps market, read this recent blog entry.
Learn more about the B2B and B2E apps that Alpha Software customers are building..