Alpha Software Blog

Research: 75% Of Businesses Are Moving To Cloud

Cloud ComputingA recent O'Reilly Media report shows that 25% of companies surveyed are moving 100% their applications to the cloud, and an additional 45% of companies surveyed are moving at least 75% of their applications to the cloud in 2020. Over 75% of companies are going mostly cloud.  One Oracle executive warned businesses: "Move to the cloud or die." If you haven't considered going to the cloud yet, now is the time.

Alpha Software realized how important Cloud hosting would be to its customers and introduced Alpha Cloud. This full service hosting solution is elastic, so scales as needed, and automated so no manual work is required to use it. It’s highly reliable, with redundancy and failover; its shared resources make it possible to spread out the workload among multiple data centers and servers. It’s self-service as well, so you can get it immediately.

Alpha Cloud customers continue to sing the praises of the Alpha Cloud hosting solution:

  • "Alpha Cloud has been a particularly powerful tool. It helped me solve the problems with the ongoing maintenance and oversight required to manage a virtual private server and lets me be up and running in the shortest amount time. I have only a limited knowledge of server management and it gives me reassurance that behind the scenes, everything is being taken care of." - Ricky Relouw, CIM Applications
  • "Alpha Anywhere is a game-changer for software developers. I don't know of another low-code app development company that lets you deploy secure, web, and offline apps for $99/month." - Glen Schild, GJ Stats
  • “The clincher for me was Alpha’s support. I’ve been in the business since about 1970 and worked with a lot of software companies. I’ve never experienced another software company that would go so far in resolving problems. I’m amazed at the availability of Alpha high-level executive and technical support. Their support is the best I’ve ever experienced. It’s phenomenal.” - Arnie Oseland, Cloud Practice Accounting
  • “We can choose to deploy to any Alpha app server version, at any time.  We can now create any number of deployments of our systems at the click of a button.  We can experiment with different setups, server configurations or software versions without worrying about the time and money it would cost to set up.  We can even roll back our applications to any version we have ever published, ever, if a bug in a later version becomes apparent.  This is the stuff of dreams!” - Robin Bennett, Start Software

Understanding the full benefits of moving to Alpha Cloud

At the recent DevCon 2020 virtual conference, VP of Research and Development for Alpha Software, presented two sessions providing an overview on Alpha Cloud and step-by-step publishing instructions. We've turned those sessions into a new and expanded guides for publishing to Alpha Cloud:

Introduction to Deploying to Alpha Cloud Step by Step

Learn the basics of publishing applications to Alpha Cloud in this all-in-one guide, including:

  • Setting up your new Alpha Cloud account
  • Publishing and updating your application
  • Rolling back your application to a previous version
  • Reading logs to troubleshoot your published applications

Advanced Alpha Cloud Deployment Best Practices

In this 8-part video tutorial, we teach you best practices for developing applications with Alpha Cloud. You will learn about:

  • Creating Testing and Production websites for your application
  • Deploying a specific version of your application from Testing to Production
  • Rolling back your Production application to a previous version


Don't Get Left Behind - Move to Alpha Cloud Now

Alpha Cloud app hostingIf you’re developing and deploying Alpha Anywhere apps and you're still using on-premise hosting, you should consider migrating to the Alpha Cloud app hosting environment. The solution solves many common hosting problems and takes work off your plate, such as installing and maintaining the server software that runs your Alpha Anywhere applications. On Alpha Cloud, the deployment is managed for you automatically with self-service dialogs. And Alpha Cloud removes the need to hire, train and employ cloud experts .

View more details on Alpha Cloud and affordable hosting plans.

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About Author

Amy Groden-Morrison
Amy Groden-Morrison

Amy Groden-Morrison has served more than 15 years in marketing communications leadership roles at companies such as TIBCO Software, RSA Security and Ziff-Davis. Most recently she was responsible for developing marketing programs that helped achieve 30%+ annual growth rate for analytics products at a $1Bil, NASDAQ-listed business integration Software Company. Her past accomplishments include establishing the first co-branded technology program with CNN, launching an events company on the NYSE, rebranding a NASDAQ-listed company amid a crisis, and positioning and marketing a Boston-area startup for successful acquisition. Amy currently serves as a Healthbox Accelerator Program Mentor, Marketing Committee Lead for the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge Launch Smart Clinics, and on the organizing team for Boston TechJam. She holds an MBA from Northeastern University.

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The Alpha platform is the only unified mobile and web app development and deployment environment with distinct “no-code” and “low-code” components. Using the Alpha TransForm no-code product, business users and developers can take full advantage of all the capabilities of the smartphone to turn any form into a mobile app in minutes, and power users can add advanced app functionality with Alpha TransForm's built-in programming language. IT developers can use the Alpha Anywhere low-code environment to develop complex web or mobile business apps from scratch, integrate data with existing systems of record and workflows (including data collected via Alpha TransForm), and add additional security or authentication requirements to protect corporate data.
