
Welcome to The Alpha DevDay 2023 Content Portal

Links to the videos from the presentations can be found on the schedule below. 

And if you have questions or trouble accessing the content, please reach out to us at 


Schedule of Sessions
(EST Time Zone, GMT -5)

Thursday, November 9
Alpha Anywhere - A Year in Review and a Look Ahead
9:00am - 10:30am

Join Alpha Software co-founder, Selwyn Rabins, as he takes you through key features developed within the last year as well as ones on the horizon. At the end of the session, Selwyn is joined by Bob Moore, VP Mobility, to discuss new developments in Progressive Web Apps.

Alpha in Action - Real World Examples
11:00am - 11:45am

Software Developer Dan Darkin and his colleagues at Start Software demonstrate various applications
and techniques to bring value to clients across a range of industries.

View This Recording


Breakout Rooms

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Chat with Alpha Developers on topics including app development, Cordova, databases, UI/UX design and more. 



Data Driven TransForm Forms

1:15pm - 2:00pm

Solutions Engineer, Nikos Kazantzis shows an efficient solution for creating very large forms in TransForm.

View This Recording
TransForm - What's New and What's Coming

2:15pm - 3:30pm

Join our CTO, Dan Bricklin as he walks you through the new features introduced in the past year, and shares some of the features on the immediate horizon. 

View This Recording
Alpha Meets AI

3:45pm - 4:30pm

In this presentation, Dion McCormick (Alpha Expert) shows how to integrate Large Language Model AI services into your
Alpha Anywhere application by adding a chatbot. 

View This Recording
Final Notes and A Bit of Fun


Closing remarks and an unusual (and goofy) application of Alpha TransForm technology. 

View This Recording


We love participation with our social media networks.  Please use the hashtag #AlphaDayday2023 when making posts about this event.