If you’re not moving your systems to web and mobile-based environments, you’re severely limiting your capabilities as an organization. Microsoft Access is a powerful database programming system, but given today’s reality of remote working and team members scattered about the map, the need to convert Access to web and mobile app interfaces is critical for most businesses. It’s also much easier said than done, as there are few resources out there that are efficient, cost-effective and easy to use.
That’s all changed with Alpha Software. Our technology allows for users to convert Access to web and mobile app environments quickly, easily, efficiently and perhaps most importantly, securely. Getting bogged down in the details of how to convert MS Access to the web can lead to serious problems if they are not discovered and quickly corrected. Leaving data in a potentially corrupted state or, worse, vulnerable to outsiders, is something that no one in these types of positions should have to risk in order to increase productivity capabilities that should be a basepoint to begin with for most teams.
Below you’re going to find a breakdown of how Alpha Software helps our customers convert Access to web and mobile app environments in a way that allows them to achieve what they want, which is added productivity and access, without taking on the risk of facing slowdowns, sunk costs or other issues. We’re sure that once you work with us, you’ll continue to trust Alpha Software for all of these types of needs going forward.
“ I turned to Alpha Anywhere - it was a great fit and the closest thing I could find to Access for the Web." - Dave Laskowski, President CTG3
“Our system used to be desktop only. Now we have a system that's desktop, Web, or mobile — it will be available on any device we need.” - Andrew Rachel, Database Manager, Rev1 Power Services
“I was able to quickly and easily take applications that I had written using Microsoft Access, and turn them into mobile apps." - Keith Erdman, Owner, FilePro Consulting
“Alpha Anywhere makes it much easier to build responsive HTML5 applications once, and deploy them on any device with a native-like experience." -App Developer Magazine
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The Alpha platform is the only unified mobile and web app development and deployment environment with distinct “no-code” and “low-code” components. Using the Alpha TransForm no-code product, business users and developers can take full advantage of all the capabilities of the smartphone to turn any form into a mobile app in minutes, and power users can add advanced app functionality with Alpha TransForm's built-in programming language. IT developers can use the Alpha Anywhere low-code environment to develop complex web or mobile business apps from scratch, integrate data with existing systems of record and workflows (including data collected via Alpha TransForm), and add additional security or authentication requirements to protect corporate data.
Alpha Software Corporation, based in Massachusetts, produces award-winning software that speeds mobile and web app development and deployment for business and IT. The core technology includes two components. Alpha Anywhere®, a full-stack low-code app development platform for building and deploying web and mobile apps. In just hours, Alpha TransForm® turns complex paper forms into powerful mobile forms that speed data collection.
Alpha Software is an InfoWorld Technology of the Year award winner, and scores near-perfect reviews from customers on crowdsourced review sites.
Customers rate Alpha Software highly for its speed of development, flexibility, offline apps, rich feature set and ability to scale predictably. For more information, visit https://www.alphasoftware.com/